Marketing Plan for Local Associations
2 The Marketing Process Marketing is a continual, ongoing process. Many different factors play a role in how you develop and implement a marketing plan. To develop and grow your association, you constantly need to reevaluate your marketing plan to take into account changes in your business, product (s), your customers (members), and the industry in general.
3 Difference Between Advertising & Marketing
4 Marketing for Associations Association marketing is both a process and an attitude. This process/attitude can be referred to as a product/service concept. It involves identifying target markets that include members as well as non-members, and the public in general.
5 Marketing for Associations RESPONSIVENESS – is a key ingredient in any marketing plan for an association.
6 Marketing a Relationship The fastest, cheapest, and best way to market your services is through your members. Every Member is a Marketing Person - Every member should know that every act is a marketing act upon which the association’s success depends.
7 EXIT SURVEY RESULTS Members Leave due to: Time Retirement Lack of Professionalism at the Local Level pettiness, politics, no organization, rude Lack of Development at the Local Level no professional programs, too many fund raisers, too social, too much emphasis on charity
8 Know Your Target Market Recognize who is joining your association and know why they join. Are they joining because you have a professional reputation within the industry. For the networking opportunities: with other industry professionals; career opportunities; or for developing new markets for their business. Referrals – by other members or the industry.
9 Know Your Target Market People in their mid-20s through mid-30s comprise over 25 percent of the U.S. population, and by 2015 they will make up the largest segment of the workforce. This generation expects to learn about solutions that will ease their daily job & life responsibilities by being a member of your association.
10 Determine which marketing approach will be the most effective Direct Mail Electronic Mail Format Advertisement in Industry Publication Telemarketing Personal Phone Calls by Elected Leaders
11 Direct Mail One of the oldest and still commonly used methods for marketing. Consist of the followings: Postcard Letter Brochure
12 Demographics & Marketing Understanding the demographics of your membership could affect: Newsletter type size & content How you promote your message to your members Affinity programs offered to members Monthly meeting content & speaker Host of other variables
13 Gain Knowledge of how to utilize the newest technology to create brand loyalty. What is Branding? It’s identifying the organization in a unique way and creating a specific image in the minds of your target market and industry. Some examples of successful branding campaigns: Coca Cola – “It’s the Real Thing” McDonald’s – “You Deserve a Break Today” Nike – “Just Do It”
14 IAIP’s Tagline IAIP is Best Known for Providing: Insurance Education Skills Enhancement Leadership Development
15 Branding Your Association by Utilizing A Focus This type of branding provides several opportunities: Creates an emotional attachment to the organization. Brands the organization as a caring organization. Provides additional adrenaline to the organization. Provides additional focus for the organization. Gives members and prospects another reason to join. Creates a common Pursuit & Goal Promotes Public Awareness of the Organization
16 Utilizing the Newest Technology Database Marketing Marketing Social Media
17 Database Marketing Database marketing makes it possible for you to identify which members & non- members are utilizing your services most often and the types of programs, products and/or services these members are using. Database marketing can play an important part in your association’s integrated marketing mix.
18 Database Marketing Key elements to include in your database: Name, Address [home/office], Phone, Fax, , Employer’s Name Job title Types of products, services &/or meetings utilized by person. Join date (if a member) Number of members referred or recruited by this person for your association. Why the member joined/What they are wanting from the Association
19 Electronic Mail ( ) is one of today’s most efficient and cost- effective marketing tools. The uses of marketing are virtually limitless. Overall marketing has proven to generate better responses while being less expensive then many traditional direct mail methods. provides you the opportunity to personalize and track your marketing campaign at every stage of the process.
20 as a Marketing Tool Remember you must receive permission from Non- Members to market electronically to them. Members may be marketed to for association programs, services and products unless they request not to be included. Never sell or provide the member or non-member e- mail addresses to a third party. You do not have permission to allow another party outside the association to conduct electronic marketing to your members without their written permission..
21 as a Marketing Tool IAIP utilizes the following vehicles to communicate with members: Broadcast s (Convention Teasers, Important Announcements, Upcoming Events…) Connections (IAIP’s electronic newsletter) which is forwarded monthly to members and posted on the web site.
22 as a Marketing Tool Through Connections e-newsletter members can access information using four levels of interest: Scan just the headlines Read the at-a-glance subjects Survey the body of text, or Link to our web site for the in-depth information.
23 as a Marketing Tool The answer to the previous questions depends upon your association’s members and resources.
24 Social Media/Websites as a Marketing Tool Proper marketing & promotion of your web site and Facebook/Linkedin page includes: Develop ideas to encourage members to visit these sites often. Example: Develop a industry question/answer column in your monthly newsletter and/or at your monthly meeting and then post the answer on your web site and Facebook page so members learn to utilize them. Develop a President’s Page Use Testimonials Promote a product or article of the month
25 Social Media/Website as a Marketing Tool Positioning your site/pages for easy access by the various search engines requires action on your part. Proper positioning refers to “linking until you drop” to every major professional search engine available.
26 Today the Key to any Marketing Plan is Technology Technology used by associations in marketing provides greater customer satisfaction since associations are able to be better, faster, cheaper and more reliable in their marketing messages. Remember to make technology a key part of every marketing plan.
27 Gain Immediate Recognition with your Marketing Materials An association needs to develop a consistent look for all marketing materials that are published and distributed to both members and the industry. A consistent look should be used on the following: website/Facebook, newsletter, letterhead, envelopes, brochures, forms.
28 Gain Immediate Recognition with your Marketing Materials What should be included when designing a consistent look? Name of the Association (use a certain font for the name every time it is printed.) Logo of the Association (the logo should appear on everything published by your association) Mailing Address & Phone number WebSite/Facebook link
29 Gain Immediate Recognition with your Marketing Materials Utilize the marketing material templates on the IAIP website to provide the proper message to the industry and prospective members.
30 Discover the What - of Marketing Remember to promote the association brand on all published materials. Be sure to always include: Detail description of the program or event, Bio on the speaker,
31 Discover the Who – of Marketing Determine who would most benefit from attending the meeting, seminar or purchasing the product and then direct your marketing to those individuals. Remember to always include other industry professionals (AAMGA, RIMS, Society of CPCU, LOMA members) in your marketing efforts.
32 SUMMARY Marketing Process Difference between Advertising & Marketing Learn How Associations Should Market Importance of the Marketing Relationship
33 SUMMARY Key marketing strategies necessary for your association to succeed Gain knowledge of how to utilize the newest technologies to develop brand loyalty and greater market penetration for your programs.
34 SUMMARY Learn how to utilize consistent marketing material that will allow your members and others in the industry to immediately recognize your registration form for an upcoming event.
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