Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award
First aid kit - include plasters, butterfly sutures and tablets (diarrhoea or infection) Water purification tablets or drops (if you can't boil water) Fire-starting equipment (waterproof matches and candle) Shelter items - survival bag (pack liner), solar blanket Compass, Mirror, Whistle, 20m cord Sewing kit Pencil and paper Knife - multi-tools can be particularly handy Wire saw - cutting branches for walking sticks, splints or crutches
Keep checking your map and any route markers and the path. If lost - only backtrack if you are sure you are on the route you came up. Don't try to find the others unless you are sure you have discovered their correct track - make yourself comfortable and wait for them to look for you. If you are alone - stop and think before making a decision Stay calm Take off your pack Discuss the terrain you've passed - can you relate this to the map? Estimate how long you have been off-route Make a map if necessary
Use natural protection such as caves, rocks, ledges or even a tree Find shelter before dark Put on lots of clothes Sticks and branches for support and to protect from wind, ferns are good for rain Mark shelter with bright colours Raise bed for warmth
Always be aware of your surroundings - from maps & observation Plan your route and let others know Always stay with your group - if you need to stop - let the others know Mark your path regularly - eg upturned fern leaves every 10m Follow spurs, ridges and clearings so you are visible to searchers Wear bright clothing Follow animal tracks / follow streams downstream in direction of flow Have the will to survive