How to manage effectively the financial implementation of the operational programmes Lazar Todorov Head of Department Management of EU Funds Directorate Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels
Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels CONTENTS Introduction of the LOTHAR system in Bulgaria; Main advantages and main problems so far; First forecasts and first results; Next steps
EU STRUCTURAL INSTRUMENTS ALLOCATIONS FOR BULGARIA Objective/FundBudget () Share Convergence4.391 bln 64.1 % ERDF3.205 bln 72.9 % ESF1.186 bln 27.1 % Cohesion Fund2.283 bln 33.3 % Total6.674 bln 97.4 % European Territorial Cooperation ERDF 179 mln 2.6 % TOTAL bln % Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels
Operational Programme Financial Allocation (mln ) OP Transport1 624 (ERDF + CF) OP Environment1 466 (ERDF + CF) OP Regional Development1 361 (ERDF) OP Human Resources Development1 032 (ESF) OP Competitiveness988 (ERDF) OP Administrative Capacity153 (ESF) OP Technical Assistance48 (ERDF) BACKGROUND INFORMATION Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels
THE LOTHAR SYSTEM Necessity to: Develop management and monitoring systems and tools Comply with N+3/2 rule Set up a system for early warning
Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels THE INTRODUCTION OF THE LOTHAR SYSTEM IN BULGARIA Working group was set up; The tables were jointly developed with the EC; The first forecasts were elaborated and frozen for 1 year following Council of Ministers Decision; The first updates have been prepared as the first quarter expired in the end of September 2008.
Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels THE MAIN ADVANTAGES Clear picture of the financial implementation of each OP; Early warning system for identifying problems related to the absorption of the Funds (at the level of the OP/priority/operation/call; Opportunity to undertake corrective measures in time.
Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels THE MAIN CHALLENGES The system is sophisticated; Forecasting for a longer period is difficult; The forecasts might be unrealistic; System is still evolving; Unwillingness of the MAs to use the system as a measurement tool.
Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels FIRST FORECASTS, FIRST RESULTS Forecasts were frozen in June; First quarterly review was made in September.
OP Regional Development Forecast Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels By the end of Q3 we should have contracted projects for the OP Regional Development
OP Regional Development actual performance Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels Total EU share of contracted projects is
OP Regional Development actual performance
Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels NEXT STEPS to achieve the baselines frozen for the first year; to embed the LOTHAR system in the Unified management information system
Ministry of Finance , Open days, Brussels Thank you for your attention!