AS History Matters AS History Matters What were the key events of 1791?
AS History Matters AS History Matters Sunday, 04 October 2015 How significant were the events of 1791? KI2: The Revolution
AS History Matters AS History Matters Sunday, 04 October 2015 Session Aims Events of Review events of Understand the events surrounding the flight to Varennes Investigate the significance of this event
AS History Matters AS History Matters For these answers create 3 Questions Non-juring priests assignats Passive citizens Patente, contribution fonciere, mobiliere Civil Constitution of the Clergy Le Chapelier law
AS History Matters AS History Matters Reform programme of the National Assembly Local GovernmentTaxation & financeEconomy Legal reformsChurchThe Constitution
AS History Matters AS History Matters The principle of election Local government officials elected Under the constitution active citizens were elected Magistrates and judges were elected Clergy were to be elected The principle of wealth Voting qualifications were based on wealth Only the very rich bourgeoisie could become Deputies to the Assembly. Wealth ensured that the bourgeoisie and the peasants could “buy in” to the Revolution through the purchase of Church lands. The Declaration of Rights which underpinned the reforms stated The principle of meritocracy Officials were elected to local government based on merit Judges were to be elected based on their merits – their amount of experience The principle of equality There was to be equality before the law with the abolition of ecclesiastical and seigneural courts. There was to be equality of taxation with the introduction of the new land tax that was to be paid by all and based on land values. There was to be equality in the payment of salaries to the clergy as great discrepancies of wealth were evened out. Principles of reform?
AS History Matters AS History Matters Some reflections on the reforms The change in the relationship between Church & State; the Church becomes subservient to the State. The change in the position of the King; he becomes a constitutional monarch. The rise of the Bourgeoisie. The fear of the mob. The loyalty of the peasants to the Revolution. The crisis over the Civil Constitution of the Clergy which splits France.
AS History Matters AS History Matters the apprehension of Louis XVI at Varennes
AS History Matters AS History Matters Was the Flight to Varennes significant? The French Revolution-Controversy Read through the account of the flight, 140 characters, tweet the Flight to Varennes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ You’ve only 140 characters, including spaces and grammar
AS History Matters AS History Matters Major Event The Flight to Varennes Root Causes Causes Effect The French Revolution-Controversy
AS History Matters AS History Matters Task Write 5 facts from the video about The Flight to Varennes