Eloenet European Learning Object Network The Search Portal for Learning Objects Sergey Chernov L3S and University of Hannover, Germany Special thanks for the slides to Cristina Mussinelli Giulia Marangoni
Online Educa – 2006 December 1st 2 Learning Object Dissemination Problem LO producers Italy LO producers Germa ny LO producers UK LO producers Spain Italian German English Spanish Schools schoolswww.b-o.de schoolswww.curriculumonline.gov.u k schoolswww.red.es Market lock-in. The information about LO is scattered among national repositories with different metadata profiles No central search. No standard identifier for LO.
Online Educa – 2006 December 1st 3 Eleonet solution LO producers Italy LO producers Germa ny LO producers UK LO producers Spain Italian German English Spanish Schools schoolswww.b-o.de schoolswww.curriculumonline.gov.u k schoolswww.red.es LO producers Italy LO producers Germa ny LO producers UK LO producers Spain Italian German English Spanish Schools schoolswww.b-o.de schoolswww.curriculumonline.gov.u k schoolswww.red.es DOI as unique and persistent identifier Centralized and Federated search LOM- based metadata mapping Rights managemen t
Online Educa – 2006 December 1st 4 ELEONET and DOI Registration Agencies + Italy primary and secondary schools higher education Germany research institutions higher education UK primary and secondary schools higher education DOI European Agencies ELEONET is EU-funded Project 01/12/2006 – 30/06/2007 Cineca (Italy), AIE - Italian Publishers Association (Italy), NBD - Nielsen Bookdata (UK), L3S – (Germany), Indire (Italy), Editrain (Spain) + Eleonet aims at creating a technological system, based on appropriate DOI application profile, to facilitate the exchange of educational content within the eLearning value chain at European level
Online Educa – 2006 December 1st 5 What is DOI? DOI ® (Digital Object Identifier, the international standard identifier for any Intellectual Property in a digital environment (we apply it to LOs) A standard identifier facilitates interoperability Example DOI: /IndiScie49_1 Prefix assigned by the Registration Agency Arbitrary object description Through DOIs resolution system, LOs are directly accessible, wherever they ’ re stored Resolving DOI:
Online Educa – 2006 December 1st 6 What Eleonet provides? A common interface to allow LOs producers/aggregators to register the DOIs and to upload metadata A search engine for final users (schools, students, teachers, universities) A unique access point to different LO repositories
Online Educa – 2006 December 1st 7 What about teachers? Scenario: I want to give a lesson about the Universe evolution in a school, intended language is Italian.
Online Educa – 2006 December 1st 8 Problem: different educational contexts and curricula in EU Approach: compare and merge Celebrate and Curriculum Online vocabularies Result: single general, broad representation of educational context Curriculum Online vocabulary Celebrate vocabulary Nursery school Primary EducationPrimary school Secondary EducationUpper secondary school Lower secondary school Higher EducationPost-secondary and higher education University First Cycle University Second Cycle Technical School First Cycle Technical School Second Cycle Professional FormationProfessional development Continuous FormationAdult education / lifelong learning Vocational TrainingVocational training Distance education School lib /documentation centers Educational administration; Educational policy Special education Other Interoperability Problem Example
Online Educa – 2006 December 1st 9 Eleonet metadata schema Desk analysis of existing LOM APs and SCORM conformance requirements Comparison between different representations of educational resources at local repositories level Use of a LOM metadata schema over national educational approaches Market needs Eleonet AP = LOM minimum data set + optional elements for rights information
Online Educa – 2006 December 1st 10 Header with info on registrant A DOI registration message (DOI string + Primary URL) LOM metadata record describing single LO DOI string brings the user to the LOs/other publisher’s page LOM metadata record tells What is in LO, Who should use it, Who keeps copyright, Where to find it. How it looks, LOM & DOI together? Indire mEDRA L'universo it Learning object che spiega la formazione dell'universo e la sua composizione, /IndiScie49_1
Online Educa – 2006 December 1st 11 Interface for registration of DOIs and metadata upload Each RA involved in Eleonet develops its own interface for DOIs registration for LOs The Eleonet web site in 4 languages presents to the users the links to 3 RAs Eleonet provides the following registration facilities: o XML file upload o a web form for registering DOI and associated LOM metadata The multilingual search interface will include simple and advanced search facilities DOI European Registration Agencies
Online Educa – 2006 December 1st 12 Want to become an early adopter? More information: General: Cristina Mussinelli Technical: Gabriella Scipione Metadata schema: Giulia Marangoni