Year 6 2014-15
SATS - Reading Test 11th -15th May Reading test (60 mins) Score out of 50 Last year the children needed to score 33 out of 50. Used to be 15 mins reading followed by 45 mins answering questions. Now just 60 mins to complete it as you wish.
SATS- Maths Two 45 minute papers. No calculator allowed on either paper. This has changed from last year. Each test is out of 40. Mental maths test is worth 20 marks. Total out of 100. Last year children needed 79 out of 100 to achieve a level 5.
SATS – Spelling and Grammar 45 min test on all areas of spelling and grammar. 20 min spelling test. Total mark is out of 70. Last year the children needed 54 out of 70 to achieve a level 5
SATS – Level 6 The expected achievement of a 14 year old. Reading: 1 paper. 60 mins. Extremely tough. Maths: 2 papers of 30 mins each. Spelling and Grammar: 3 papers. Grammar paper, extended writing task and spelling paper.
SATS Timetable Date AM PM Monday 11th May Reading Test 60 mins (level 3-5). Reading Test 10 mins + 50 mins (level 6) Tuesday 12th May Spelling, punctuation and grammar. (level 3-5) Spelling, punctuation and grammar. (level 6). Wednesday 13th May Maths paper 1 45 mins (level 3-5) Mental maths 20 mins No tests Thursday 14th May Maths paper 2 45 mins (level3-5) Maths paper 1 30 mins (level 6) No calculator Maths paper 2 30 mins (level 6) calculator
Maths - Methods Multiplication Long division: html Subtraction Addition
Literacy Big focus this year on extended writing. The children will produce at least 6 extended pieces of writing over the year (1 every half term). These will be levelled and make up the teacher assessment for writing. The children’s writing is not assessed by a test. Alleluia!
Year 6 We just expect them to be brilliant, which they are. We try to equip them for the next phase in their life (High School) and make sure that transition is a smooth as possible. Have a look at the High Schools if you are unsure. Get a feel of what will suit your child best. After all, you know your child better than anyone else.
PGL or France The choice is yours......