Unit XXI – Imperialism and Independence Movements in Africa European Colonialism (2-8) Independence Movements (9-13) Copyright 2006; C. Pettinato, RCS High School, All Rights Reserved
1. European Imperialism in Africa
2. Video
3. Definitions A. Colonialism – the policy of taking a weaker nation’s land for self gain. B. Imperialism – the domination of one nation over the political, economic, or social affairs of another nation Reasons for the colonization of Africa- refueling ports, slave trade, mineral and agricultural resources, strategic location
4. Early Contact - A Slow Start A. Explain the impact of each of the following groups on African life: 1. Explorers - 2. Missionaries – –a–a. example - 3. Slave traders -
5. The Slave Trade
6. Colonization in the 1800’s A. When did European nations first establish refueling ports along the coast of Africa? B. When did European nations race for controlling African territory? C. What were the natural barriers to colonization?
7. The Berlin Conference A. What was the purpose of the conference? B. Were Africans invited to the conference? C. What were the results of it?
8. Colonial Policies/Possessions in Africa A. England - Gradualism B. France - Assimilation C. Belgium - Paternalism D. Portugal - E. Spain - F. Italy - G. Germany -
9. The Mau-Mau Revolt by some Kikuyu in Kenya ( )
10. Famous Leaders of the Independence Movement A. Menelik II – Ethiopia - Italy B. Kwame Nkrumah – Ghana – Gr. Britain C. Jomo Kenyatta – Kenya – Great Britain D. Julius Nyerre – Tanzania – Germany E. Leopold Sedar Senghor – Senegal – France F. Mobutu Sese Sekou – Congo – Belgium
11. Kwame Nkrumah and Jomo Kenyatta
12. Problems of New African Nations A. Tribalism – continuing loyalty to tribes and prejudice against other tribes B. Poverty – massive unemployment or under employment C. Subsistence Agriculture – many tribes, villages, families, exist on what they produce D. Disease – epidemics of malaria, ebola virus, parasites, nutritional diseases, yellow fever, sleeping sickness, STD, and HIV/AIDS
13. Problems (cont.) E. Hunger – vast numbers are hungry daily F. Sanitary Conditions – lack of knowledge of the link between cleanliness and disease prevention G. Lack of Communication – with over 800 major language groups, intertribal communication remains a problem H. Lack of Educational Opportunities – rural villages and cities lack the educational resources to properly educate the young I. Desertification – the spread of the deserts
14. Video
15. Communication Problems
16. Important Terms and People A. gradualism B. assimilation C. paternalism D. language group E. imperialism F. tribalism G. nationalism H. colonialism I. The Berlin Conference (1884) J. pan - Africanism K. Menelik II L. Kwame Nkrumah M. Jomo Kenyatta N. Julius Nyerre O. Joseph Mobutu P. desertification Q. subsistence agriculture R. third world country S. underdeveloped nation