World Vision International Handicap International The Netherlands Red Cross UNICEF Uzbekistan Implementing Agencies: Джизакская область DIPECHO Program in Uzbekistan Joint presentation of DIPECHO projects implemented in 11 regions of Uzbekistan
World Vision International - Uzbekistan Background: since 2003 working in Tashkent, Uzbekistan personnel: 20 staff members activities: health care and humanitarian assistance to vulnerable communities of population and disasters preparedness Information of DIPECHO project: Project title: Disaster risks reduction in Tashkent city Partners: Healthy Generation Foundation, NGO Hayot and Womens Committee of Uzbekistan Target group: mahallas DIPECHO IV – 11 mahallas ( )
Netherlands Red Cross and Red Crescent Society of Uzbekistan Background: RCSU was founded in 1925 and since 1992 working as independent organization personnel: 746 staff members and active volunteers, 199 branches activities: humanitarian and social assistance Information on DIPECHO: Project title: Preparation of population and schools to disasters in Uzbekistan Project sites: Andijan, Fergana, Namangan, Tashkent, Syrdarya, Navoi and Kashkadarya regions Target groups: mahallas and schools DIPECHO I – 1 mahalla (2003) DIPECHO II – 45 mahalla ( ) DIPECHO III – 25 mahalla, 85 schools ( ) DIPECHO IV – 45 mahalla, 187 schools ( ) DIPECHO V – 55 mahalla, 102 schools ( )
UNICEF Uzbekistan Background: since 1994 working in Uzbekistan personnel: 30 staff members activities: maternal and child health/nutrition, HIV/AIDS, ECD, quality basic education, child protection, family/community empowerment, LCB Information on DIPECHO: Project title: Disaster Risk Reduction among vulnerable communities Project sites: Bukhara, Djizak, Kashkadarya, Navoi, Namangan, Samarkand, Syrdarya, Tashkent, and Fergana regions Partners: MoES, MoPE, MoH, Mahalla Foundation, Institute of Seismology Target groups: mahallas and schools DIPECHO IV – 36 mahallas, 200 schools ( ) DIPECHO V – 36 mahallas, 300 schools ( )
HFA Priority 3 Use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels Public awareness raising Provision of posters, booklets, checklists / Centralized development, dissemination and impact monitoring in schools and communities Public Information / Decentralized messages through local mass media channels National Level of implementation Regional District Community Arranging events in communities / campaigns, contests involving direct beneficiaries in disaster preparedness issues consideration
Public awareness raising
HFA Priority 3 Use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels Institutional capacity building Methodological guidelines and IEC materials / Centralized development, dissemination and impact monitoring National Level of implementation Regional District Community Planning and implementation of DP actions / Close collaboration with MoES, MoPE, MoH through expert groups Training of core trainers in education and health sectors / Provision of training equipment, IEC materials, guidelines to regional training centers
Methodological guidelines
HFA Priority 1 Disaster risk reduction – national and local priority, with strong institutional base for implementation National, regional and local cooperation Coordination of planning and implementation of activities on disaster preparedness / National Steering Committee at MoES National Level of implementation Regional District Community Organization of interaction among khakimiyats, departments of emergency, health and education / Regional Steering Committees at DoES, district focal points Development, implementation and revising of action plans on disaster preparedness / Local disaster management committees in makhalla
HFA Priority 3 Use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels School-based disaster preparedness Training of schools and kindergartens directors on disaster preparedness / Provision of guidelines and basic equipment sets National Level of implementation Regional District Community Training of teachers on disaster preparedness and first aid / Dissemination of IEC materials Training of school children on basic disaster awareness / Information materials dissemination, drills, simulation exercises, competitions
Training in schools
HFA Priority 5 Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels Community based disaster preparedness Training of LDMCs on disaster preparedness / Implementation of mitigation projects and simulation exercises, development of risk maps and disaster preparedness action plans. Provision of equipment National Level of implementation Regional District Community Establishment of rapid response teams / Trainings on conducting situation assessment, disaster relief work, first aid, food and water supply. Provision of materials and equipment
LDMC and rapid response teams
Mitigation projects
Capacities of 9 regional civil protection training centers strengthened to support community based trainings in 35 pilot districts IEC materials developed on basic disaster awareness and preparedness provided to 500 schools and 72 communities 390 school headmasters have been trained in basic disaster awareness and school preparedness 7,100 teachers have been provided the seminars on basic disaster awareness and preparedness by regional and local trainers 187,046 children of schools in 9 regions have received instruction in basic disaster awareness and preparedness from their teachers 46,300 children received disaster preparedness and risk reduction messages through contests in summer camps, orphanages, boarding schools in 9 regions Nine regional in-service teacher advanced training institutes were provided essential guidelines and training of their trainers by civil protection institute Main outputs of DIPECHO projects
11 regional rapid response teams (RRT) created, trained and provided equipment to conduct situation assessment, disaster relief work and first aid in emergency 6 regional centers established and equipped to provide trainings on disaster preparedness 116 mahallas volunteer teams established, trained and provided basic set of equipment to respond in emergency 450 basic disaster awareness trainings conducted covering more than people in pilot communities 70 mahallas and 187 schools received training, basic equipment set, and IEC materials on disaster awareness and preparedness 18 small-scale structural mitigation projects implemented in vulnerable communities (planting trees, river bank reinforcements, bridge reconstruction, etc) by community mobilization through makhalla committees Main outputs of DIPECHO projects
28 teachers trained and certified as core DRR trainers in 11 mahallas of Tashkent 260 mahalla leaders trained in 11 mahallas of Tashkent 11 mahallas local disaster management committees have been established, provided with training and basic response kit and each mahalla completed its DP Plan 11 volunteer response teams were established in 11 mahallas of Tashkent went through a simulation exercise 165 mahalla activists trained in 11 mahallas of Tashkent to disseminate DRR messages About 9536 households in 11 mahallas of Tashkent received instruction kit on disaster preparedness and completed family preparedness plans IEC materials distributed to 4655 households of 11 mahallas in Tashkent Main outputs of DIPECHO projects
DIPECHO Program in Uzbekistan Thank you for attention !