Business Letters – Fomal Letters
What is business letters? A letter dealing with business A formal means of communication between two people, a person and a corporation, or two corporations. follow very strictly set rules for composition
Common Types of Business Letters Acknowledge letters (Thank the reader for something they did for you in the office.) Order Letter (Order material that is running low and will be needed soon.) Inquiry Letter (A request for a certain something or in response to a request made by someone.)
Complaint or adjustment letters Sales Letters Hiring or Termination Letters Letters of Recommendation Goodwill Letters
Block Format Modified Format Semi-Block Format Business Format Block Format Modified Format Semi-Block Format
Font of Business Letter Times New Roman → Conservative Company Arial or other choices → Liberal Company
Business Letter Checklist short, simple, strong, and sincere
Format of Formal Letters Create a Letterhead sender: Logo, Address, Phone no., Web address Example Scholastic Publisher 12 Jalan Utama Selangor Tel: 03-12234343 Website:
Recipient Address Name Title Company Name Address Example: Jason Chan Sales Assistant ABC Ltd. Co. 34 Jalan Longgak Selangor
Salutation If recipient name is given Dear Jason Dear Mr Jason If recipient is an organization Dear sirs If recipient is a head and name is not known Dear sir/madam
Yours faithfully / Yours sincerely Type your name Job title Closing Yours faithfully / Yours sincerely Type your name Job title
Enclosure At the bottom of the letter a space down after the title of the sender Use short forms “Enc”, “Encs” Yours sincerely William Wong Financial Officer Enc : Cheque for $1000
Carbon Copy/Blind Copy Cc. - To a person to keep a copy of your letter bcc. - to give a person a copy of your letter without the recipient's knowledge
P.S. Remember to bring your invoice in your next visit Post Script P.S. Remember to bring your invoice in your next visit