The Writing Center will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this event. If you require an accommodation, contact Sara Sanchez at (408) Please include the requested accommodation along with your contact information. G AVILAN C OLLEGE Writing Center LI120 PHONE: (408) WEBSITE: gavilan.edu/writing Purpose Audience What have you learned about college writing? Essays Closing Format
The Writing Center will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this event. If you require an accommodation, contact Sara Sanchez at (408) Please include the requested accommodation along with your contact information. G AVILAN C OLLEGE Writing Center LI120 PHONE: (408) WEBSITE: gavilan.edu/writing The cover letter is an opportunity for you to Introduce yourself. Introduce your writing.
The Writing Center will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this event. If you require an accommodation, contact Sara Sanchez at (408) Please include the requested accommodation along with your contact information. G AVILAN C OLLEGE Writing Center LI120 PHONE: (408) WEBSITE: gavilan.edu/writing Who are you writing the cover letter to? What do they care about? What are they looking for in your writing? What would you like them to know About you? About your writing?
The Writing Center will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this event. If you require an accommodation, contact Sara Sanchez at (408) Please include the requested accommodation along with your contact information. G AVILAN C OLLEGE Writing Center LI120 PHONE: (408) WEBSITE: gavilan.edu/writing Title Description Why did you choose it? What did you learn? What does it show about your writing?
The Writing Center will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this event. If you require an accommodation, contact Sara Sanchez at (408) Please include the requested accommodation along with your contact information. G AVILAN C OLLEGE Writing Center LI120 PHONE: (408) WEBSITE: gavilan.edu/writing What thought would you like to leave your audience with? Thank you
The Writing Center will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this event. If you require an accommodation, contact Sara Sanchez at (408) Please include the requested accommodation along with your contact information. G AVILAN C OLLEGE Writing Center LI120 PHONE: (408) WEBSITE: gavilan.edu/writing Business Letter Heading (with date) Inside Address Salutation Body Closing (with signature) Single spaced Indented Paragraphs Times Roman 12 point Body Inside Address Salutation Heading Closing Signature
The Writing Center will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this event. If you require an accommodation, contact Sara Sanchez at (408) Please include the requested accommodation along with your contact information. G AVILAN C OLLEGE Writing Center LI120 PHONE: (408) WEBSITE: gavilan.edu/writing Considering your audience and purpose, how will you handle your cover letter’s... Style – the way something is written Formal or informal Professional or casual Tone – the attitude that is conveyed Objective or subjective Intimate or distant Serious or humorous Language – vocabulary consistent with style and tone
The Writing Center will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in this event. If you require an accommodation, contact Sara Sanchez at (408) Please include the requested accommodation along with your contact information. G AVILAN C OLLEGE Writing Center LI120 PHONE: (408) WEBSITE: gavilan.edu/writing Your portfolio is an opportunity to show you are ready for the next level. Discuss your ability to Write a clear thesis Organize a supporting argument Incorporate research to strengthen credibility Demonstrate correctness Spelling Punctuation Grammar READY FOR 1A