WISE WORKSHOP May 2012 INSPIRE Data Specifications and Water Related Reporting and Spatial Objects EEA with input from JRC.


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Presentation transcript:

WISE WORKSHOP May 2012 INSPIRE Data Specifications and Water Related Reporting and Spatial Objects EEA with input from JRC

Outlines Sources for this presentation INSPIRE – Core and Extension Applications WISE and INSPIRE relationship Water Framework Directive Waste Water Emissions and Water Treatment Management areas in INSPIRE AM theme / with relation to water issues and legislation Spatial objects as reporting units in INSPIRE themes

Sources for this presentation This presentation combines elements from the WORKSHOP on INSPIRE Data Specifications and Reporting (JRC Ispra, 26 March 2012) Presentations: forum.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pg/file/owner/group:1747 Video: forum.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pg/videos/play/group:1747/8 7520/wise-michael-lutz Other information

INSPIRE core and extensions INSPIRE Core: main and obligatory part of the IR INSPIRE extension applications: already well developed but recommendations in the technical guidelines and not part of the IR Reasons: many comments from the stakeholders that thematic details are too complex and dynamic to be part of the stable data model in the INSPIRE IR

INSPIRE core and extension applications and reporting requirements

INSPIRE extensions: differences in governances

WISE and INSPIRE relationship WISE: several European Directives are under WISE: Water Framework Directive Marine Strategy Framework Directive Ground Water Directive Drinking Water Directive Floods Directive Urban Waste Water Directive Nitrates Directive Bathing Water Directive E-PRTR (related) Several INSPIRE themes relate to each European Directive

Several INSPIRE themes relate with WISE Sea Regions, Elevation and Land cover: for clarification of land-sea interface Sea Regions contains concepts of Shoreline (as boundary around a sea area) and also IntertidalArea Coastline special case of shoreline (shoreline at Mean High Water) Seabed cover in Land cover SeaUse in Land use (MSFD impact of human pressure on SeaBed) Seabed sediments in Geology, as well as GroundWaterBodies Maritime boundaries: EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zones) and territorial waters to be added to Administrative Units (Annex I) Production and Industrial facilities Species Distribution/Habitats and Biotopes … Management areas, restriction in regulation zones related to water issues defined in Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units

Water Framework Directive Management zones covered by two zone types in INSPIRE AM theme: riverBasinDistrict waterBodyForWFD These could play the role of reporting units for WFD reporting Water bodies for WFD: Initially: proposal for WFD water body candidate types defined in INSPIRE Hydrography Solution: Accepted as management areas and included in the AM theme as waterBodyForWFD Recommended one thematic extension application in AM them Agreed between the TWGs on AM, EF, GE Yet to be discussed with the relevant WFD / WISE working groups Should be considered as initial proposal for further discussion Remove the candidate types from the IR-ISDSS and include the extension as a domain example in DS AM and/or relevant WFD / WISE guidelines

Application schema Water Framework Directive as thematic extension waterBodyForWFD = as an abstract base type for the concrete spatial object types WFDGroundWaterBody WFDCoastalWater WFDTransitionalWater WFDRiver WFDLake AM / zone type = waterBodyForWFD (attributes mapped to attributes inherited from AM spatial object type) Relationship to physical water bodies in HY, GE (not shown here) Thematic extension in INSPIRE AM theme

Waste Water Emissions and Water Treatment

Management areas in AM theme Area Management, Restriction and Regulation Zones: zones that are established in accordance with specific legislative requirements to deliver specific environmental objectives related to any environmental media, for example, air, water, soil and biota (plants and animals) Areas and zones are categorised by: Zone type & Zone Type Code (code list) = high level classification defining the type of management, restriction or regulation zone / it can be extended by other high level zone types Specialised zone types & Specialised Zone Type Code (code list) = additional classification value that defines the specialised type of zone

Management areas - core schema in INSPIRE AM theme Geometry requirement: Where the geometry of the spatial object is derived from another spatial object the geometries of the two objects shall be consistent. Zone type categories Competent authority Legislative basis

Management areas in AM theme with relation to water issues and legislation Management Area and Zone type in AM theme Definition in AM themeRelated legislative basis (Directive, Convention, Agreement) Bathing WatersCoastal waters or inland waters (rivers, lakes) explicitly authorised, or not prohibited for recreational bathing by large numbers of people. Bathing Water Directive Drinking Water Protection Area Area in which waste water leakage, use of fertilizer or pesticides, or establishment of waste disposal sites are prohibited. Drinking Water Directive (80/778/EEC) Nitrate Vulnerable Zone Areas of land which drain into polluted or threatened waters and which contribute to nitrate pollution. Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC)

Management areas in AM theme with relation to water issues and legislation Management Area and Zone type in AM theme Definition in AM themeRelated legislative basis (Directive, Convention, Agreement) River Basin District Area of land and sea, made up of one or more neighbouring river basins together with their associated groundwaters and coastal waters, identified as the main unit for management of river basins. (Note: sub-units are defined by specialised zone types) Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC); used also by Floods Directive Water Body For WFD The water body is a coherent sub-unit in the river basin (district) to which the environmental objectives of the Water Framework Directive must apply. The identification of water bodies is, first and foremost, based on geographical and hydrological determinants. This would include surface (river, lake, transitional and coastal) and ground water bodies. Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC)

Management areas in AM theme with relation to water issues and legislation Management Area and Zone type in AM theme Definition in AM themeRelated legislative basis (Directive, Convention, Agreement) Flood Unit Of Management Area of land and sea, identified under the Floods Directive as the main unit for management when an alternative to the River Basin Districts or Sub-Districts are chosen. (Note: sub-units are defined by specialised zone types) Floods Directive (2007/60/EU) Sensitive AreaSensitive areas are surface waters (freshwater, estuaries and coastal waters) that require protection against eutrophication. Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC)

Management areas in AM theme with relation to water issues and legislation Management Area and Zone type in AM theme Definition in AM themeRelated legislative basis (Directive, Convention, Agreement) Marine RegionMarine regions and their subregions are sea regions designated under international, European, national or sub-national legislation for the purpose of assessment, management and regulation. Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC); Helsinki Convention; OSPAR Convention; Barcelona Convention; Bucharest Convention; UNEP Regional Seas Programme Designated WatersMarine, coastal or surface waters designated by Member States as needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life. Fisheries Directive (2006/44/EC); Shellfish Waters Directive (2006/113/EEC)

Management areas in AM theme with relation to water issues and legislation Management Area and Zone type in AM theme Definition in AM themeRelated legislative basis Coastal Zone Management Area Area in which "integrated coastal zone management" takes place. Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean

Example: River Basin District Source: INSPIRE AM theme

Example: Nitrate Vulnerable Zones Source: INSPIRE AM theme

Spatial objects as reporting units in INSPIRE themes INSPIRE AM theme: definition of Reporting units: A Reporting Unit is a spatial object that provides the spatial reference for any non-spatial data exchanged under environmental reporting obligations. The reported non-spatial data must include a property that contains a reference to the spatial object (typically an identifier, code or name) - is a join key between the spatial and non-spatial objects enabling the data to be combined) INSPIRE spatial objects that perform the role of "Reporting Unit" SHOULD have an inspireID so that reporting data can be referenced to the spatial object.

Spatial objects as reporting units in INSPIRE themes No specific Reporting Units Application Schema in INSPIRE AM theme! INSPIRE spatial objects that are used as Reporting Units are defined according to the requirements of their respective INSPIRE spatial data theme (AM and other INSPIRE themes) IR Requirements: Spatial objects that are used for providing a spatial reference for the data reported under environmental reporting obligations shall be defined and made available according to the requirements of their respective INSPIRE spatial data theme. Where environmental reporting data refers to a spatial object within the scope of INSPIRE, the reporting data shall reference these INSPIRE spatial objects.

Thank you