Sustainability! By Dylan Johnson
What is sustainability? The ability to endure. The responsible use and sustainment of natural resources Maintaining and respecting the environment in which we live.
The issues Humans are using up resources at an alarming rate Aware of the problems we are causing for future generations Society as a whole, focused on growth and expansion, increasing demand on resources as well as the planet itself. Our Backwards approach to the issue, only willing to change if it doesn’t Effect lifestyle if we don’t change our consumer based economy issues will continue to increase Lavish lifestyles need to be toned down
Actual Cost
What is the cost to get a bunch of Bananas ? Cost of gas to drive them from farm to shipping Port, then onto a shipping container and sail them Halfway around the world. Next the cost to get Them to your produce store. Actual cost is the idea that if we were to add up all The percentages of the cost of getting lavish foods And goods brought to us, our cost of living would be so High that no one could live the way we do now. Enjoying Non local foods such as bananas and strawberries in the Middle of winter.
Sustainability in consumer driven economy With the apparent need to have the newest and best in technology and Other such consumer goods it is clear that a definitive change of ideals Is necessary. This comes back to our idea of what our quality of life is. And how we Achieve it.
Quality of life “ this is the great fear,that people are aware we’ve got environmental Problems, they’ll do everything they can to try to minimize the impact but When they say ‘ without impacting the quality of my life’.” David suzuki “ that Quality of life is still very, very, consumptive.”
Greater Vancouver 2009 found that both Nitrogen and sulphur dioxides are down, but Smog Levels are up. Vancouver being a major shipping port means that our air is constantly being Filled with fumes from tankers and trucks.
A Looming Issue Our use of non renewable energy is something that must be addressed. In 2007, 73% of the energy used came from non renewable resources, and Only 23% from electricity. In 2001 Metro Vancouver had a population of less then 2 million. Since then it has started to increase dramatically, with the possibility of Reaching 3.4 million by this alone poses a major threat to both land use as well as our Consumption of resources.