ANALYSIS and design of (g+3) RESIDENTIAL BUILDING using staad By CH.Gopichand Department of Civil Engineering
Objectives The Objectives of the Project are:- Carrying out a complete analysis and design of the main structural elements of a multi-storey building including slabs, columns, shear walls. Getting familiar with structural soft wares ( Staad Pro ,AutoCAD) Getting real life experience with engineering practices
softwares Staad pro staad foundation auto cad
Summary Our graduation project is a residential building in Hyderabad. This building consists of 3 repeated floors.
What is staad? Structural analysis and design Structure ,analysis, design?
Advantages? Analysis and design of rcc, steel, foundations, bridges etc.
Why staad? An hour For a building with several beams and columns? At least a week.
Alternatives? Robot, SAP200, Struds, FEA software, , SAP and GTSTRUDL
Buildings are be divided into: Types of buildings Buildings are be divided into: Apartment building Apartment buildings are multi-story buildings where three or more residences are contained within one structure. Office building The primary purpose of an office building is to provide a workplace and working environment for administrative workers. 11
Residential buildings 12
Office buildings 13
Center line plan
Total area 1120 sq .m
Front view of the structure 17
Skeletal structure
Flow diagram of design & analysis of structure in staad
loads Live load Dead load Wind load Floor load TRANSFORMER (230 – 12 V AC) RECTIFIER AND FILTER VOLTAGE REGULATOR (LM 7805) LM358 OP-AMP MICROCONTROLLER (AT89S52/AT89C51) RELAY DC MOTOR LCD Live load Dead load Wind load Floor load
Horizontal(lateral)load s 1.Wind 2.seismic 3.flood 4.soil TRANSFORMER (230 – 12 V AC) RECTIFIER AND FILTER VOLTAGE REGULATOR (LM 7805) LM358 OP-AMP MICROCONTROLLER (AT89S52/AT89C51) RELAY DC MOTOR LCD TRANSFORMER (230 – 12 V AC) RECTIFIER AND FILTER VOLTAGE REGULATOR (LM 7805) LM358 OP-AMP MICROCONTROLLER (AT89S52/AT89C51) RELAY DC MOTOR LCD Vertical Loads 1.Dead 2.Live 3.Snow 4.Wind 4.Seismic and wind 5.Seismic Horizontal(lateral)load s 1.Wind 2.seismic 3.flood 4.soil
Forces Acting in Structures TRANSFORMER (230 – 12 V AC) RECTIFIER AND FILTER VOLTAGE REGULATOR (LM 7805) LM358 OP-AMP MICROCONTROLLER (AT89S52/AT89C51) RELAY DC MOTOR LCD Vertical: Gravity Lateral: Wind, Earthquake
Live Loads Loads that may change its position during operation. TRANSFORMER (230 – 12 V AC) RECTIFIER AND FILTER VOLTAGE REGULATOR (LM 7805) LM358 OP-AMP MICROCONTROLLER (AT89S52/AT89C51) RELAY DC MOTOR LCD Loads that may change its position during operation. example: People, furniture, equipment. Minimum design loadings are usually specified in the building codes. Given load:25 N/mm As per IS 875 part ii
Assigning live loads
Dead load Loads which acts through out the life of the structure. TRANSFORMER (230 – 12 V AC) RECTIFIER AND FILTER VOLTAGE REGULATOR (LM 7805) LM358 OP-AMP MICROCONTROLLER (AT89S52/AT89C51) RELAY DC MOTOR LCD Loads which acts through out the life of the structure. slabs, Beams , walls. Dead load calculation Volume x Density Self weight+floor finish=0.12*25+1=3kn/m^2 As per Is 875 part 1
Assigning dead load
Floor load Pressure:0.0035N/mm^2 TRANSFORMER (230 – 12 V AC) RECTIFIER AND FILTER VOLTAGE REGULATOR (LM 7805) LM358 OP-AMP MICROCONTROLLER (AT89S52/AT89C51) RELAY DC MOTOR LCD Pressure:0.0035N/mm^2
Assigning floor load
VOLTAGE REGULATOR (LM 7805) LM358 OP-AMP Density of materials used MATERIAL Density i) Plain concrete 24.0 KN/m3 ii) Reinforced 25.0 KN/m3 iii) Flooring material (c.m) 20.0KN/m3 iv) Brick masonry 19.0KN/m3 LIVELOADS: In accordance with IS 875-86 i) Live load on slabs = 3.0KN/m2 ii) Live load on passage = 3.0KN/m2 iii Live load on stairs = 3.0KN/m2 TRANSFORMER (230 – 12 V AC) RECTIFIER AND FILTER VOLTAGE REGULATOR (LM 7805) LM358 OP-AMP MICROCONTROLLER (AT89S52/AT89C51) RELAY DC MOTOR LCD
wind load The amount of wind load is dependent on the following: • Geographical location, • The height of structure, • Type of surrounding physical environment, • The shape of structure, • Size of the building.
Wind load Most important factor that determines the design of tall buildings over 5 storeys, where storey height approximately lies between 2.7 – 3.0 m P=k1*k2*k3*vz^2 Designed as per IS 875 PART (III) Taking v=50 kmph 33
Lateral forces High wind pressures on the sides of tall buildings produce base shear and overturning moments. These forces cause horizontal deflection Horizontal deflection at the top of a building is called drift Drift is measured by drift index, /h, where, is the horizontal deflection at top of the building and h is the height of the building 34
Global Stability Sliding Overturning
Load transfer mechanism Slab Beam Column Foundation soil
Showing B.M.D diagrams of beams
Showing S.F.D diagram 38
COLUMNS Three different sections are adopted in structure Columns with beams on two sides Columns with beams on three sides Columns with beams on four sides
One-way slab Two way slab DEFLECTION One-way slab Two way slab
Distribution of load
conclusion Requirement of high rise residential building. Using softwares as a tool. Advantages. Limitations .