Fostering synergies between Horizon 2020 and Cohesion policy: a concrete example : the Seal of Excellence Dimitri Corpakis Head of Unit RTD.B5 Spreading.


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Presentation transcript:

Fostering synergies between Horizon 2020 and Cohesion policy: a concrete example : the Seal of Excellence Dimitri Corpakis Head of Unit RTD.B5 Spreading excellence and Widening participation Luxembourg, 15/09/2015

Europe’s innovation divide undermines competitiveness  Large parts of the EU out of ‘sync’  Modest and Moderate Innovators holding back the EU as a whole  Grand policy designs at risk without a sound and functioning base  Identification of priorities and strategies of crucial importance – yet still, among the major bottlenecks  Horizon 2020 and the ESIF among Europe’s most powerful tools for closing the innovation gaps and advance growth and prosperity EC DG RTD.B.5 DC2

1. Smart & inclusive growth (€451bn) 2. Sustainable growth, natural resources (€373bn) 3. Security and citizenship (€16bn) 4. Global Europe (€58bn) 5. Administration (€61.6bn) Education, Youth, Sport Connecting Europe Cohesion Competitive Business SMEs Horizon 2020 MFF  ESIF & H2020 are part of the same budget envelope: Total EU budget 2014 – 2020: 960 billion EU

44 H2020 ESIF  Understand specific objectives & features Smart specialisation

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Why do we foster synergies between Horizon 2020 and ESIF ? Why do we foster synergies between Horizon 2020 and ESIF ? Scarce resources:  More efficiency  Best use of public funds Synergies between Horizon 2020 and ESIF aim at maximising quantity, quality and impact of research and innovation investments through interactions between the two policy frameworks Synergies between Horizon 2020 and ESIF aim at maximising quantity, quality and impact of research and innovation investments through interactions between the two policy frameworks 5

Regional Policy Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie KICs PPPs ESFRI Business Advisory services KETs prizes SME instrument Combining Horizon 2020 & ESIF through funding of successive / parallel / alternative / particular projects SME Pilot lines Financial instruments ESI Funds R&I Infrastructures and Equipment Skills Excellent R&I Demonstration Pilots procurement KETs Business Innovation Procurement Grant agreements Research & Development Innovation Market Capacity Building National/Regional R&I systems

Typical synergy actions driven by the ESIF OP include (non-exhaustive list of examples): Support for investment of research infrastructure and equipment including competence centres (combination of research and advanced training centres) Support to the whole innovation cycle through improving the overall framework conditions for businesses (but also support measures towards social innovation) Support to research actions and infrastructure investments in the area of Key Enabling Technologies (KETS) Preparation of research and innovation stakeholders towards a better participation in the Horizon 2020 Calls (support via training, raising awareness, networking and partner identification) Support to downstream measures like exploitation and commercialisation of finished or about to finish research projects Reinforcement of the local impact (including additional work packages) of agreed Horizon 2020 projects (that are by definition transnational) 7

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Who has to act ?  Key role for national and regional authorities as they plan future investments on research and innovation, including from the ESIF  Research stakeholders (Public/ private): they should be better informed about the said investment plans and operational measures  Horizon 2020 National Contact Points  Commission services 8

Introducing the Seal of Excellence A concrete example of operational synergies between Horizon 2020 and the ESIF

10 Declaration on Seal of Excellence Declarations of the Commission (Framework Programme) 2013/C 373/02 of ‘ Union level intervention enables EU-wide competition to select the best proposals, thereby raising levels of excellence and providing visibility for leading research and innovation. The Commission considers that positively evaluated European Research Council, Marie Sklodowska-Curie, teaming actions, phase-2 SME instrument or collaborative project proposals that could not be funded for budgetary reasons, have still met the Horizon 2020 criterion of excellence. Upon approval of the participants, this information can be shared with the responsible authorities. The Commission therefore welcomes any initiatives to fund such projects by national, regional or private sources. In this context, cohesion policy also has a key role to play through building capacity.’ The Declaration

11 STEP 1 - IDENTIFY THE PROJECTS ABOVE THRESHOLD BUT NOT FUNDED WHICH ARE CONSIDERED SUITABLE FOR A SEAL OF EXCELLENCE (SoE) TO BE Funded Meriting funding... Rejected: not ready for funding Funding threshold due to H2020 budget availability Quality threshold: The SEAL OF EXCELLENCE: target population 'Seal of excellence'

12 STEP 2. PROVIDE THE APPLICANTS ABOVE THRESHOLD WITH A SEAL OF EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATE ANNEXED TO THE REJECTION LETTER It will contain:  a standard text explaining that the proposal was subject to strict peer review and positively assessed  the necessary data for identifying the proposal and the applicant (proposal number, acronym, title, applicant PIC, legal name, legal address)  document validity to be checked through Commission services/agency The accompanying letter will indicate that:  the certificate can be used to get in contact with other funding bodies to explore other funding possibilities, as for instance from national/regional Managing Authorities of the Structural Funds (hyperlink to a website to find the relevant Managing Authority) The SEAL OF EXCELLENCE: the format

First implementation of the Seal of Excellence: The SME Instrument For all types of innovative SMEs (EU-28 + H2020 AC) showing a strong ambition to develop, grow and internationalise Single company support possible From idea to market through three phases of continuous support No obligation for applicants to sequentially cover all three phases 70% funding (as a general rule) Mature ideas with a clear European dimension 2015 Intermediary Call Deadlines or "Cut-Off" Dates Phase 1 18/03/ /06/ /09/ /11/2015 Phase 2 18/03/ /06/ /09/ /11/2015 Source: RTD B3

The SME Instrument : Seamless Business Innovation Support from Mature Idea to Market EU Grant of € 50,000 (lump sum) EU Grant of € 500,000 to 2.5 million (indicative amount) No grant, but… Coaching support Market and Investment Readiness support Promotion / networking with financiers & clients … and more indirect support! Source: RTD B3

15 1. Excellence Clarity and pertinence of the objectives; Credibility of the proposed approach; Soundness of the concept, including trans-disciplinary considerations; Extent that proposed work is ambitious, has innovation potential, and is beyond the state of the art (e.g. ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches). 2. Impact Enhancing innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge; Strengthening the competitiveness and growth of companies by developing innovations meeting the needs of European and global markets, by delivering such innovations to the markets; Any other environmental and socially important impacts; Effectiveness of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR), to communicate the project, and to manage research data. 3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation*/** Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources; Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including risk and innovation management. The SME instrument: The evaluation criteria


Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Defining an overall approach for synergies in the INTERREG context  Establish national –regional priorities through a bottom-up collaborative process towards a place-based smart specialisation strategy  Integrate these priorities in the appropriate Operational Programmes  Translate these priorities in policy measures on research and innovation  Align local and regional priorities to the European ones as much as possible, without disregarding local particular strengths and opportunities  Establish national –regional priorities through a bottom-up collaborative process towards a place-based smart specialisation strategy  Integrate these priorities in the appropriate Operational Programmes  Translate these priorities in policy measures on research and innovation  Align local and regional priorities to the European ones as much as possible, without disregarding local particular strengths and opportunities

Useful Links  Guide for authorities on synergies between ESIF and Horizon2020 and other EU programmes:  Financial instruments in ESIF programmes short reference guide for Managing Authorities  Horizon 2020 regulations & rules for participation:  Horizon 2020 SME instrument / On line Manual / FAQ:   issues/sme_en.htm issues/sme_en.htm  FUNCTIONAL MAILBOX FOR YOUR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST IN COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE : 18

Credits: Magda de Carli Deputy Head of Unit RTD.B5 Learn more : Credits: Magda de Carli Deputy Head of Unit RTD.B5 Learn more : Thanks a lot for your attention