Bullets Symbols used to organize data into a list. This Is An Example Of A Bullet List
Center Line Alignment Text that is centered on the line This is an example of center line alignment.
Click and drag Using the mouse to select text or pictures.
Clipboard Computer memory that is used to temporarily save information.
Copy Make a duplicate of text or graphics (picture).
Templates Using the premade file templates in an application program.
Crop multimedia Taking out unwanted sections of a picture. Black top and bottom borders removed.
Delete multimedia Removing a picture from the document.
Draft View Displaying the document in a simple view where margins and formatting have been removed.
Exit Leaving an application program using the exit methods provided in the program.
Find Using the program to look for words or commands.
Font Attributes Bold, Italics, and Underline
Font Color Changing the color of text in the document.
Font Size The size of the text in the document.
Font Style The type of font used for the text portions of a document.
Footers Text that appears at the bottom of a page and repeats on every page.
Format Picture Menu for editing multimedia (pictures).
GUI Graphical User Interface – using pictures for access points to programs and tools. Icons are shortcuts to programs.
Header Text that appears at the top of a page and repeats on every page.
Help Menu Tool to access the programs online help.
Hyperlink Access point to a section of the Internet that contains documents for the topic of the file.
Multimedia Pictures, video, and audio
Justified Line Alignment Setting text to line up on both the left margin and the right margin. Newspaper columns are examples of this. Full justification sometimes creates large spaces between words. The paragraph above has been justified. Notice the extra spaces between some of the words?
Landscape Orientation Asking the computer to turn the paper sideways in the display and when printing the document.
Left Line Alignment All lines of text line up at the left margin. The normal default setting for most application programs is left line alignment. The bullet items on this slide are using left line alignment.
Line Numbering Organizing data into a list and using numbers to keep it organized and/or prioritized. 1.Lesson 1 Basics: Speedback Quiz 2.Lesson 2 Operating Systems: Speedback Quiz 3.Lesson 3 Application Software: Speedback Quiz 4.Lesson 4 Networks: Speedback Quiz 5.Lesson 5 Common Application Functions: Speedback Quiz
Line Spacing The amount of spacing between lines of text. Some documents should be single spaced like business letters. Some documents should be double spaced like school reports. Line spacing allows you to set the spacing between the lines of text like you see in this paragraph which has been double spaced. Some documents should be single spaced like business letters. Some documents should be double spaced like school reports. Line spacing allows you to set the spacing between the lines of text like you see in this paragraph which has been single spaced. Single spacing Double spacing
Margins The white space around the edge of the paper. Anything outside the red line is the margin area.
Open Calling a document from storage to open on the screen.
Outline View Placing the document in a different view. This does not affect how the document prints.
Page Numbering Inserting a number for each page in the document.
Paper Size The size of paper the printer will print on.
Paste Taking something out of memory and inserting it into the document. Usually performed after the ‘copy’ command has been used.
Portrait Orientation The default view for a document and for printed documents.