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FIGURE 8-1 FIGURE 8-1 Marketing research questions asked in test screenings of movies that lead to specific actions 8-2
Marketing Research Marketing research is the process of defining a marketing problem and opportunity, systematically collecting and analyzing information, and recommending actions. 8-3
FIGURE 8-2 FIGURE 8-2 Five-step marketing research approach leading to marketing actions with lessons learned from past research 8-4
STEP 1: DEFINE THE PROBLEM SET THE RESEARCH OBJECTIVES LO2 Exploratory Research Descriptive Research Causal Research 8-5
STEP 1: DEFINE THE PROBLEM IDENTIFY POSSIBLE MARKETING ACTIONS LO2 Measures of Success Measures of Success Possible Marketing Actions Measure of Success: Playtime Children Spent More Time Playing with Old Design Children Spent More Time Playing with New Design Continue with Old Design; Don’t Introduce New Design Introduce New Design; Drop Old Design 8-6
STEP 2: DEVELOP THE RESEARCH PLAN LO2 Specify Constraints Specify Constraints Identify Data Needed for Marketing Actions 8-7
STEP 2: DEVELOP THE RESEARCH PLAN DETERMINE HOW TO COLLECT DATA LO2 Concepts Methods New-Product Concept Sampling Probability Sampling Nonprobability Sampling Statistical Inference 8-8
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFORMATION/DATA LO3 Data Data Secondary Data Secondary Data Primary Data Primary Data 8-9
FIGURE 8-3 FIGURE 8-3 Types of marketing information 8-10
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA SECONDARY DATA LO3 Internal Sales Breakdowns Customer Inquiries/ Complaints 8-11
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA SECONDARY DATA LO3 External Census Bureau Trade Associations Business Periodicals Syndicated Services Scanner Data 8-12
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA +/– OF SECONDARY DATA LO3 Advantages Time Savings Inexpensive Out of Date Definitions/Categories Not Right Disadvantages Not Specific Enough 8-13
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA PRIMARY DATA—OBSERVING BEHAVIOR LO4 Personal Observation Mystery Shopper Videotaping Ethnographic Research 8-15
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA PRIMARY DATA—QUESTIONING CONSUMERS LO4 Questionnaire Data Questionnaire Data Individual Interviews Idea Generation Methods Depth Interviews 8-16
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA PRIMARY DATA—QUESTIONING CONSUMERS LO4 Personal Interview Surveys Personal Interview Surveys Mail/Fax Surveys Mail/Fax Surveys Telephone Surveys Telephone Surveys Idea Evaluation Methods / Internet Surveys / Internet Surveys Mall Intercept Interview Surveys 8-18
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA PRIMARY DATA—QUESTION FORMATS LO4 Open-Ended Questions Closed-End or Fixed Alternative Questions Dichotomous Questions Semantic Differential Questions Likert Scale Questions 8-19
FIGURE 8-6A FIGURE 8-6A Different types of questions featured in a sample Wendy’s survey (Q1-Q5) 8-20
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA PRIMARY DATA—PANELS & EXPERIMENTS LO4 Panels Experiments Independent Variable: The Cause Independent Variable: The Cause Dependent Variable: The Result Dependent Variable: The Result Test Markets 8-21
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA +/– OF PRIMARY DATA LO4 Advantage Expensive Time Consuming to Collect Disadvantages More Specific to the Problem 8-22
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA USING INFO TECHNOLOGY TO TRIGGER MARKETING ACTIONS LO5 The Marketing Manager’s View of Sales Drivers Data (Facts & Figures) Information (Interpreted Data that Leads to Marketing Actions) Need to Distinguish Between: Controllable Marketing Mix Factors Uncontrollable Environmental Forces 8-23
FIGURE 8-7 FIGURE 8-7 Sales drivers: factors that influence product or brand sales and are essential for effective marketing programs 8-24
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA USING INFO TECHNOLOGY TO TRIGGER MARKETING ACTIONS LO5 Key Elements of an Information System Sensitivity Analysis Information Technology Data Warehouse 8-25
FIGURE 8-8 FIGURE 8-8 How marketing researchers and managers use information technology to turn information into action 8-26
STEP 3: COLLECT RELEVANT INFO/DATA USING INFO TECHNOLOGY TO TRIGGER MARKETING ACTIONS LO5 Data Mining RFID Technology Data Mining: A New Approach to Searching the Data Ocean 8-27
STEP 4: DEVELOP FINDINGS LO5 Present the Findings Analyze the Data How are Sales? What Factors Contribute to Sales Trends? 8-28
FIGURE 8-9 FIGURE 8-9 Marketing dashboards that present findings to Tony’s marketing manager that leads to recommendations and actions 8-29
STEP 5: TAKE MARKETING ACTIONS LO5 Evaluate the Results Make Action Recommendations Evaluate the Decision Itself Implement the Action Recommendations Evaluate the Decision Process Used 8-30