TOS Operating Committee Report Al Badella Technical Operations Subcommittee Chair July 14th, 2015 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Work Group Activities Telecommunications Work Group (TELWG) Telecommunications Workgroup drafting team provided a draft section on packet networks at the March meeting to be added to the document titled “Guidelines for the Design of Critical Communications Circuits”, as part of the review and revision process. Comments on this draft section will be incorporated at the July meeting. Telecommunications Workgroup meeting was held on March 19 and 20 in Salt Lake City, UT, hosted by the WECC, the next meeting will be July 23 and 24 in Salt Lake City. 2 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Work Group Activities Control Workgroup (CWG) The WECC-0107 PSS Design and Performance drafting team, which is composed of many of the CWG members, has been meeting regularly to answer comments related to the draft #3 posting. The drafting team has at the same time discussed and revised draft #3 of the proposed standard creating a draft #4. Draft #4 of the proposed PSS standard is expected to be posted for comment by the end of March. 3 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Work Group Activities Relay Work Group (RWG) The Relay Work Group has three documents are OC consideration. The documents are revised guidelines and are requesting the OC to reclassify them as White Papers. The documents are: White Paper on Transformer Protection Sudden Pressure Relays White Paper on Model Power System Testing White Paper on Time Synchronization of Protection Control and Monitoring Request for a motion to approve the proposed White Papers 4 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Work Group Activities Relay Work Group (continued) The Relay Workgroup is continuing to review and update documentation over five years old. The documents left for review and approval are: BPA Switch into Fault Relay Operations (1997) EHV Transmission Line Protection Guide (2006) Installation and Maintenance for Protection Relay Systems (2006) Remedial Action Scheme Design Guide (2006) Westinghouse SPCU Relay Discussion (1997) 5 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Work Group Activities Relay Work Group (continued) The Relay Workgroup is expected to approve the analysis and trending report pertaining to the misoperation data reported under PRC-003-WECC-CRT- 1 for 2012 and forward to OC and Western Interconnect Members. The Relay Workgroup is in the process of developed a review, analysis and trending report pertaining to the misoperation data reported under PRC-003-WECC-CRT- 1 for Relay Workgroup will be meeting in July in Salt Lake City. 6 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Work Group Activities Substation Work Group (SSWG) The Substation Workgroup held their annual meeting on May 4-6, 2015 at the WECC office in Salt Lake City. The workgroup discussed ways of getting past members back to the meetings, it was agreed that a second meeting would be beneficial as well as the development of a meeting recap newsletter which will be submitted to all WECC member utilities. The newsletter has been drafted and plans include sending it to all WECC members, including those that have not recently participated in the SSWG activities and meetings. 7 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Work Group Activities It was determined that our biggest assets are the trouble reports and all the data it generates. We are looking at ways to better utilize this information and get it out to all WECC member utilities. Andy Keels with SRP has been working with the NERC Equipment Failure Reporting Workgroup. Through these efforts, Andy has identified enhancements to our existing trouble reporting process. This will most likely be the main topic of discussion at the November Webinar. 8 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL