1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG ENV. C3 :\transpa\en\object General objective To increase the protection of people, of the environment and of property in the event of natural and technological disasters Specific intra-Community objectives To support the efforts made at national, regional and local levels for the prevention of the disasters, the preparation of the actors of civil protection and for the intervention in case of disasters. To contribute to the information of the public with a view to increasing the level of self-protection of the European citizens. To establish a framework which allows, where necessary, effective and rapid co- operation between national civil protection services. International objective To contribute to give coherence to the actions undertaken at international level in the field of civil protection.
EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG ENV. C3 p:\transpa\english/prodi Declaration of President Prodi ( ) … Finally, the last commitment is for a better life quality. We opened this chapter with the white paper on food safety: now big steps have to be made in the field of environment. The case of the ERIKA tanker, the poisoning of the Danube show the urgency to intervene at the European level to protect Environment. The moment has arrived to conceive, and then to achieve, the institutions of an emergency structure of European Civil Protection. In too many cases we are requested to do that after the disaster has occurred. I believe that it is appropriate to start to think to these matters before disasters occur. These are the challenges beyond us……….
EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG ENV. C3 p:\transpa\english/propcivprot Proposals for reinforcing 1. President PRODI 2. Commissioner WALLSTRÖM 3. Commissioner BARNIER 4. European Parliament Resolutions 5. Portuguese presidency 6. French presidency (proposals) * * * Post-Helsinki process
EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG ENV.C3 p:transpa/english/capro5. Implementation of the Community Action Programme Priorities Prevention Information of the public New technologies (SERIMA) Communication during crisis System of exchange of experts Disaster medicine COMMUNITY CO-OPERATION IN THE FIELD OF CIVIL PROTECTION Other activities Mutual assistance Operational manual Commission 24h/24 cell Secondment of experts Enlargement International activities Euromed project Implementation of
EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG ENV. C CONCLUSIONS/PRIORITIES 1. Long-term processes initiated. 2. Strong involvement of Member States through the principles of lead country and core groups. 3. Implementation of the action programme Implementation of the results of the projects carried out.
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