5 Framework Programme ( ) Information Society Technologies Key Action 1: Systems and Services for the Citizen 5 th Framework Programme ( ) Information Society Technologies Key Action 1: Systems and Services for the Citizen Applications Related to Health 6th Call Information Day February 2, 2001 DG Information Society European Commission
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3Vision Integrated intelligent citizen-centered health delivery system that contributes to the improvement of quality, access, and efficiency of healthcare
EUROPEAN COMMISSION Research and Development (R&D) Programs 88-90: AIM I- Advanced Informatics in Medicine - (20 Mil. EURO) 91-94: AIM II 50 R&D projects (108 Mil. EUR) 94-98: Telematics Applications for Health (135 Mil. EUR) 130 R&D PROJECTS 1300Research Inst., Industries, User Associations, Public Authorities 7000 EU Citizens involved Information Society Technologies relating to Health 50 new projects (200 Mil. EUR)
6 2: PATIENTS 1: CITIZENS Personal Health Systems - enable citizens to take more active role in care Clinical, biological, managerial and imaging Systems for improved screening, diagnosis, treatment, therapywww.cordis.lu/ist/ka1/health/home.hmtl New generation telemedicine systems and services for providing care at the point of need 3: HC PROFESSIONALS 1st call - March 1999
7 2: PATIENTS 1: CITIZENS Advanced interactive environment for doctors and nurses Intelligent Environment for patients 3: HC PROFESSIONALS 3rd call - February 2000 Intelligent environment for health promotion and illness prevention NEW! 2000 Best practice and demonstration actions in regional health networks
8 Current Clusters of projects 1: CITIZENS 2: PATIENTS 3: HC PROFESSIONALS Homecare monitoring and support Medical imaging for minimally invasive diagnosis &treatment, Mobility and portable devices, Decision support systems Intelligent Systems & Environment for health promotion and illness prevention
9 3: PATIENTS 1: CITIZENS Intelligent collaborative environments supporting continuity of care 2: HC PROFESSIONALS Intelligent environment for citizen centred health management Best practice and demonstration actions in e-Health 6th call January 2001
10 Personal health systems and services Intell. Environment for health promotion illness prevention Hospitals Labs Pharmacies Primary care Health Admin I.1.1 Intelligent environment for citizen centred health management I.1.2 Intelligent collaborative environments supporting continuity of care I.1.3 Best practice and demonstration actions in e-Health Information Society Technologies related to Health Care at the point of need Home, work, leisure places
11 I.1.2 Intelligent collaborative environments supporting continuity of care E.g. Homecare devices and platforms Patient The two extremes of the scope of the action line I.1.2 A ( not A alone, not B alone) Hospitals Pharmacies Primary care Health Admin Collaborative network of HC professionals e.g. cardiology, oncology Labs B
12 Action Line I Take-Up actions Action Line I Take-Up actions Best Practice and Demonstration Actions Best Practice Actions (accompanying Measures) - full assessment of health telematics applications involving key healthcare players Objective: making past RTD investments pay - promoting - up-take of results Demonstration Actions (RTD) large scale demonstrations of integrated health telematics applications - large scale demonstrations of integrated health telematics applications Objective: Proving viability of new technologies - giving European leverage to RTD results