Writing a MACUL Grant
Presenters Grants and Awards Committee Co-chairs Shawn Massey Flint Public Schools Mike Oswalt Calhoun ISD
Purpose To encourage and support members interested in promoting effective instructional uses of the computer or related equipment
Grant Goal Each project should focus on an instructional use of the computer or related equipment, which has the potential of being replicated in other educational settings
MACUL Grant Total grant funds available – to be determined Grant Limit: $1,500 Do not exceed the grant limit in your proposal
Eligible Applicants MACUL Members K-12 Classroom Teachers K-12 Coordinators K-12 Media Specialists K-12 Administrators Higher Education Personnel MACUL Grant recipients from the last two years are ineligible to apply Current Board and SIG officers and MACUL Board members from the past year are not eligible
General Grant Writing Start with a clear need (problem) Identify target audience State the project goal(s) and purpose Describe what you want to do Include all information requested in the appropriate categories Failure to do so may result in disqualification Describe how you will determine success
General Grant Writing Write a grant that describes a project you want to do whether you get the grant or not (Need for funding) Have someone read the grant that knows little about the problem or the project (Clarity) Have someone read the grant that knows a lot about the grant project or subject area (Content)
Writing the Application The recommended overall length of a MACUL Grant application is words 100 Point Rubric – be sure to follow it!
Project Narrative (10 Points) Overview of what you plan to do Plan first, write last Accurately describe what you plan to do Clearly align with rest of the proposal (especially the need)
Project Need (10 Points) Describe the need and/or the problem(s) Include information that validates the problem (a few statistics listing the source) Focus should ultimately improve teaching and learning
Project Plan (50 points) Includes sections on the: Goal (10) Objectives (15) Activities (15) Technology-related equipment and or Materials (5) Timeline (5)
Goal Goal (10 points) Focus should be on improving or transforming the teaching and learning process with the effective use of technology Your Project Need should describe specific goal of the project. Note that there should be one goal with related objectives (next section). Describe how the project will achieve the goal
Objectives Objectives (15 points) Plan of Action and desired results are clearly described Objectives are measurable and in alignment with the stated need Describes what the “effective” use of technology will have on student achievement.
Objectives Other tips: Specific outcomes Measurable Clearly identify desired results Concrete, precise, prioritized Based on identified needs Aligned with National and State Tech Standards Realistic Replicable Innovative
Project Activities Project activities (15 points) Relate to objectives Clearly described State reasons for selection of activities Reasonable in scope Time and resources Concisely written!
Equipment and Materials Technology equipment and Materials (5 points) List of specific materials used in the activities Description of how they will be used in the project
Timeline Timeline (5 points) Dates and times Activity/event time Feasibility of timeline Be sure to include: All activities Evaluation Plans for sharing with MACUL members and other educators
Sharing Sharing (10 points) Requirements: A grant winner has a choice to either do a one hour session at the MACUL Conference or submit a resource to iTunesU following the established submission process Presentation choice: pay only for MACUL dues at the conference where you presented; registration will be covered Resource choice: pay only for MACUL dues at the next conference after the resource was submitted; registration will be covered
Sharing Describe the method for sharing with other educators Describe sharing with educators, district, community, ISD, etc. Be specific Avoid “could” or “might” Be definite
Evaluation Evaluation (10 points) Describe how you will evaluate the project What measure will you use to determine success? State clear indicators for improved: Student learning/achievement, or Instructional strategies, or Teacher learning
Budget Budget (10 points) To provide cost information related to the project Requested funds District funds A request for an amount over the stated grant award will be disqualified Align equipment and materials with proposal Include best current prices (REMC $ave Project) Include item cost and description
Budget Don’t request more than the maximum limit for the grant Add explanations Itemize all costs Partial funding may be awarded
Adjustments Points may be added or deducted: Being well-written (+ 2) Three or more spelling or grammar errors (-2) Confusing (up to -4) Parts not defined (up to -4) Exceeding word count (up to -10) Too much repetition (-2)
Disqualifications Incomplete application Listing school, district, or any identifying information Not related to technology or MACUL grant purpose Late submissions Failure to list Plan for Sharing
Requirements Complete a MACUL-Grant Project Summary Form and Budget Report Carry out plan for sharing the project with other educators and MACUL members: A grant winner has a choice to either do a one hour session at the MACUL Conference or submit a resource to iTunesU following the established submission process Presentation choice: pay only for MACUL dues at the conference where you presented; registration will be covered Resource choice: pay only for MACUL dues at the next conference after the resource was submitted; registration will be covered
Online Grant Application Online MACUL grant application can be found at:
Other MACUL Programs Educator of the Year Award Teacher of the Year Award Tech Coordinator of the Year Award Student Technology Showcase - Lansing MI-Champions STEM MI-Champions ETLC Conference Upper Peninsula Educational Technology and Business Conference Upper Peninsula Educational Technology and Business Conference MI Learning on iTunesU ETAN Michigan Joint Education Conference Michigan Joint Education Conference Midwest Technology Leaders Midwest Technology Leaders
Educator of the Year Award Available September 2011 Due in December Awarded at the MACUL Conference Targeted for people such as media specialists, university and college staff, technology coordinators, computer coordinators, etc. MACUL Awards Information Recognizes and honors educators who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in implementing the use of technology to improve education
Teacher of the Year Award Available in September 2011 Due in December Awarded at the MACUL Conference Targeted for pre-K-12 classroom teachers Recognizes and honors teachers who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in implementing the use of technology to improve education MACUL Grant Website Link
Technology Coordinator of the Year Award Available in September 2011 Due in December Awarded at the MACUL Conference Targeted for technology coordinators and directors Recognizes and honors those who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in leading the use of technology to improve education
Poster Presentations from Current Grant Winners Elementary Writing Using a Fusion Keyboard Karen Stevens, Teacher, Parchment Schools This poster will review how a grant looked at increasing writing skills by using an assisted keyboard called the Fusion.
Poster Presentations from Current Grant Winners Flash Drives Enhance Portfolio Process Christine DeYonke, Student Services Coordinator, Eaton ISD This poster describes how an electronic portfolio project was the motivation for acquiring flash drives used by Career Preparation Center students.
Poster Presentations from Current Grant Winners Guidelines and Tips for Winning a MACUL Grant Candice McDevitt and Matt Keeler, Department Chairs, Napoleon Community Schools This poster presentation provides quick, easy, and effective tips to help any teacher get a grant.
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