European Commission DG Information Society Info Day Brussels, 2 June 2005 Instruments: purposes and modalities in the SO structure. SO Collaborative Working Environments 6th EU Framework Programme for Research Isidro Laso Ballesteros IST Programme "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission"
European Commission DG Information Society Work to be done within SO Validating Applications Core (crucial) Services for distributed collaboration at work Tools for collaborative work Three layered tasks following a systems approach: Innovative conecpts and methods for collaborative work
European Commission DG Information Society Network Access (IP v6, wireless, ) Middleware (SOA) vDesign and engineering eMediaeProfessionalseRural … VALIDATING APPLICATIONS Group identification Synchronization and Persistence of Distributed workspaces Group Traceability Group resources Discovery and allocation. Collaborative Work Environment providing core collaboration services: Digital representation of physical objects Group Security Environment awareness Augmented group Presence Group Management Service composition Visualisation COLLABORATION TOOLS Semantic Modelling Of Groups Sharing support
European Commission DG Information Society S.O Instruments for layer IP Validating Applications Core (crucial) Services for distributed collaboration at work Tools for collaborative tasks STREP CAs
European Commission DG Information Society To be considered by all proposals. Aim: To complement ongoing ERA activities CWE (activities launched with funding in call 3). Strengthen and complement research carried out under ESA, EUREKA and national initiatives. In particular, links to Eureka ITEA projects related to Nomadic and Cyber-Enterprise domain applications should be described to assess synergies and inter-dependencies in terms of timing and funding. SO ERA activities
European Commission DG Information Society Generic consideration to be considered by any proposal. Actions targeting SMEs developing collaborative tools and application are encouraged (2nd and 3rd layers) Aim: To achieve better interoperability of complementary services and tools. To leverage on innovative SMEs. SO SMEs
European Commission DG Information Society SO Integrated Projects (I) Budget: 70% Integrated, goal-oriented R&D: Cut across the 3 layered focal tasks, including Work on: innovative concepts and methods, core collaboration services, tools for collaboration, AND validation on testbeds and large demonstrators. Critical mass is required to have impact (20 – 25 partners) Average funding: 8 Mio IPIP IPIP IPIP IPIP Validating Applications Core (crucial) Services for distributed collaboration at work Tools for collaborative tasks
European Commission DG Information Society SO Integrated Projects (II) Generic principles for IPs: Clustering and coordination of activities among the IPs in order to achieve a common upper layer Collaborative Work Platform and to avoid overlapping in the development of tools for collaborations. To contribute to ERA activities with National and regional funding agencies. To contribute to achieve internationally agreed reference architecture for collaborative work by: Knowledge creation Workshops, committes, etc. IPIP IPIP IPIP IPIP Validating Applications Core (crucial) Services for distributed collaboration at work Tools for collaborative tasks
European Commission DG Information Society SO Integrated Projects (III) The use of Experience and Application Research (EAR) approach is encouraged. EAR is defined by the ISTAG: they are designed for an early involvement of users and to create links to structures, business processes and workplace practices of the organisations. Examples of EARs budget: 700,000 EARs are expected in the ICT rich domains mentioned in the text. IPIP IPIP IPIP IPIP Validating Applications Core (crucial) Services for distributed collaboration at work Tools for collaborative tasks Particular consideration for IPs: EARs
European Commission DG Information Society SO Integrated Projects (III) EARs*: The ICT-rich domains mentioned in the text are: 1.collaborative design and engineering, in particular rapid prototyping and simulation, virtual manufacturing; 2.Media/content production, 3.e-Professionals and 4.knowledge and information workers in remote and rural settings 5.eTraining for collaborative and remote workers (Horizontal) * See the ISTAG working group report "Involving users in the development of Ambient Intelligence" on IPIP IPIP IPIP IPIP Validating Applications Core (crucial) Services for distributed collaboration at work Tools for collaborative tasks
European Commission DG Information Society SO Targeted RTD Projects Only in the 1st and 2nd layers. Tasks: To explore emerging alternatives to pave the way for additional technological advances in the field. Disruptive approaches are welcome. For example: Is there an alternative to Semantic web more adequate to collaborative work? To investigate ICT-bio, ICT-cogno and ICT-nano convergence in the context of New Working Environments. To explore human robotics working environments. To extrapolate collaborative games experience to collaborative work Validating Applications Core (crucial) Services for distributed collaboration at work Tools for collaborative tasks STREP
European Commission DG Information Society Aim: to promote and support the networking and coordination of research and innovation activities needed for European leadership in ICT-enabled Collaborative Working Environments. To ensure that the work is consistent across IPs and STREPs. SO Co-ordination Activities. Validating Applications Core (crucial) Services for distributed collaboration at work Tools for collaborative tasks CAs
European Commission DG Information Society SO Co-ordination Activities and Specific Support Actions In Other Tasks section: To promote joint research activities with national programmes, to define future research agendas or to identify emerging topics and research groups world-wide. Collaboration with international research and standardisation activities to achieve internationally agreed reference architecture for collaborative work. Validating Applications Core (crucial) Services for distributed collaboration at work Tools for collaborative tasks CA/SSA
European Commission DG Information Society For More Information... Strategic objective Web site: work/home.html New Working Environments web site: Includes: Workshops on CWE. Work Expert Group (CWEG): 1st Report on NGCWE vision and ICT challenges 2nd Report on Applications scenarios for NGCWE Advisory group Research papers and project results. Web Ring of CWE related projects. If you want to be incorporated to this web ring, please send an to:
European Commission DG Information Society Isidro LASO-BALLESTEROS The End