Celebrating Math Education Month: Activities in Action Derek Beet Frederick County Public Schools
Estimation Stations Area of a Hexagon Area of a Cafeteria Table Length of the stage Number of books in the Media Center Perimeter of a bulletin board
Estimation Station Please look over the jar of cheese puffs, and record your estimate on the recording sheet.
MCTM Calendar Grade level bands: PreK-K, 1-2, 3-5, Middle School, High School
Math Stops Differentiate between levels Position around the school at different transition areas Primarily mental math activities
Fabulous Vocabulary New Vocabulary word each day in April Introduced through the morning announcements/after noon show Post the words around the school Post on school website
Problem Solving Posters Variety of topics Can be used independently, small groups, or as a “math field trip” Examples
Problem of the Week Students solve problems weekly, with winners announced at the end of the week Problems are differentiated by grade level bands Suggestions for distributing the problems: morning announcements, powerpoints, document cameras, school website, classroom, hallway, etc
Math Nights Do it in April Whole School or Feeder Pattern Theme based Content based
Graphing Around the School Favorite Fruit How much is your first name worth?
Graphing Around the School Created during math class Displayed in hallways Used for instruction and “math field trips” Ideas for graphing