Maps Mr. Goldsack’s Social Studies 8 Class
Political Maps Political maps show how people have divided places on the Earth into countries, states, cities and other units for the purpose of governing them. Each province/ territory Is labelled And also shaded a Different Colour. Find a political Map in your Atlas!
Physical Maps Physical maps show what the surface of the Earth looks like. Different colours show Different elevations on This relief map. Find a physical Map in your Atlas!
Thematic Maps Thematic maps show different topics or themes that aren’t physical or political. This map shows the general climate regions of the world. This legend Is shaded To show The various climates Of the world Find a thematic Map in your Atlas!
Thematic Maps ctd… This map shows how different religious beliefs are distributed around the world. Note how many Religions are Represented In this Thematic map
Oceans of the World The world has four major oceans. Atlantic Pacific Arctic Indian Pacific ocean Atlantic ocean Arctic ocean Indian ocean Find a physical map Of the world In your atlas!
Continents of the World The world has 7 continents: South America Africa North America Australia Oceania Europe Asia Antarctica
Map Review What is the purpose of a political map? Answer: To show borders of countries, states, cities, and regions.
Map Review What is the purpose of a physical map? Answer: physical maps show what the surface of the world looks like
Map Review What is the purpose of a thematic map? Answer: thematic maps show different topics or themes (climate, religion, rainfall, population)
Map Review What are the four major oceans of the world? Answer: Atlantic,Pacific,Arctic,Indian
Map Review What are the seven continents of the world? Answer: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Antarctica.
Map Activity On the blank world map provided, neatly and accurately label, then shade: 1. The seven continents (green ) 2. The four major oceans (blue) 3. The prime meridian, in degrees (red ink) 4. The equator, in degrees (red ink) 5. The tropic of Cancer & Capricorn, in degrees (red ink)