Bogenfels (“Arch Rock”) Located in Africa Famous Arch Rock both in sea and on land 60 Meters High
Turtle Rock Located in Asia Resembles a turtle Turtle is a symbol for longevity
Castle Rock Located in Antarctica Discovered during an expedition in Named because of its shape
Wave Rock Located in Australia Named for a tall breaking ocean wave More than 140,000 tourists visit Wave Rock every year
The Cheesewring Located in Europe Named for a “cheesewring” – a device that used to make cheese Legend has it that it was built from two giants throwing rocks on top of each other
Devil’s Tower Located in North America (state of Wyoming) Named from Mato Tipila (“Bear Lodge”) Rises 1,267 feet and was declared the first U.S. National Monument
God’s Finger Rock Located in South America Resembles a left hand index finger pointing toward the sky Peaks higher than 6,560 feet
Resources (seven continents picture) (Bogenfels picture) (Turtle Rock picture) _Antarctica.jpg (Castle Rock picture) _Antarctica.jpg (Wave Rock picture) (The Cheesewring picture) (Devil’s Tower picture) (God’s Finger Rock picture) (for factual information used on power point presentation about each rock)