A IM : W HAT IS G EOGRAPHY ? Do Now: In what way can geographic factors like climate, landforms, and natural resources impact the way people live? Key Terms Geography The Seven Continents The Four Oceans Critical Geographic Features and Effects Coach Smith
The Nile River Meets the Desert
G EOGRAPHY Geography is the study of the earth and its geographic features. Geography is also the study the distribution of human life on the earth and the effects of human activity. Physical geography – think “deserts or mountains; the surface of the earth” Human geography – think “how people adapt to a particular environment” Coach Smith
Terrace Farming in the Andes
T HE C ONTINENTS A continent is one of the seven principle land masses of the earth. Generally, geographers recognize seven continents: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. Coach Smith
T HE F OUR O CEANS The word “ocean” refers to the entire body of salt water that covers 70% of the earth’s surface. There are four principle divisions of the ocean: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic Coach Smith
G EOGRAPHIC F EATURES Topography is the study of the earth’s surface. It is the study of the earth’s geographic or physical features. Mountains, deserts, plains, and rivers are examples of geographic or physical features. It is important to think about the effect of these features on humans. Coach Smith
A mountain is a geographic feature.
T HE E FFECTS OF M OUNTAINS A mountain is a natural elevation of the earth’s mass. It generally has steep sides. How do mountains affect people? It is difficult to farm on mountains. Mountains can prevent transportation and communication. Coach Smith
A desert is a geographic feature.
T HE E FFECTS OF D ESERTS A desert is a dry, often sandy region of little rainfall, extreme temperatures, and sparse vegetation. How do deserts affect people? It is difficult to farm in a desert. Nomads live in deserts. Nomads must move from place to place. Coach Smith
A Tropical Rain Forest is a geographic feature.
E FFECTS OF T ROPICAL R AIN F ORESTS A Tropical Rain Forest consists of many trees and plants. It has a tropical climate and experiences significant rainfall. What are the effects of Tropical Rain Forests? It is difficult to farm. Transportation and communication are difficult. Coach Smith
To farm in a tropical rain forest, people engage in slash-and-burn farming.
S AVANNAS A savanna is a flat grassland in a tropical or subtropical region. What are the effects of savannas? People can farm in the savanna. People can herd animals in the savanna. Coach Smith
A savanna is a grassland.
Q UESTIONS FOR R EFLECTION : What do geographers study? List the seven continents. List the four oceans. List five geographic features. What is a savanna? List two effects of mountains on people. List two effects of deserts on people. Coach Smith