Ms. Chacon Global Leadership
Region: a broad geographic area distinguished by similar features. (culture, geography, climate, etc…)
Continent: one of the earth's large land masses (Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, and Antarctica) North America South America Europe Africa Asia Australia Antarctica
Country: A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
North America is divided into the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Surrounded by Arctic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Caribbean Sea. Population: 528,720,588 (Source: 2010 United Nations) The longest river in North America is the Mississippi River. Lake Superior is the largest fresh water lake in the world
North America is divided into…
Surrounded Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. Primary Language: Spanish and Portuguese(Mainly Brazil) Population: 387,489,196 (Source: 2010 United Nations) Cerro Aconcagua in the Andes Mountains in the country of Argentina. Highest waterfall in the world is Santo del Angel Amazon River World’s Largest River in volume.
The largest river in the world is…
Second smallest continent in the world 738,199,000 (Source: 2010 United Nations) Surrounded by Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Black Sea, and Mediterranean. Most of Europe now uses the same currency called the Euro. Recently Europe has united under the common union called the European Union.
What is the main form of currency (money) in Europe?
Largest Continent in the world. Population: 60% of the world’s population [4,164,252,000 (Source: 2010 United Nations)] Surrounded by Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean. The highest point on earth, Mt. Everest, is in Asia. World Largest country is Russia and it is located in Asia.
Many of the world's major religions came out of Asia including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Oil in the Middle East is a major supplier of much of the world's energy. Asia is the only continent that shares borders with two other continents; Africa and Europe.
The Highest Point in the World is…
Second largest continent Second most populated continent 14.72% [1,022,234,000 (Source: 2010 United Nations)] Surrounded by Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and Indian Ocean. The longest river in the world is The Nile River. African languages are varied with more than 1000 languages spoken across the continent. Africa is rich with varied wildlife including elephants, penguins, lions, cheetahs, seals, giraffes, gorillas, crocodiles, and hippos.
How many languages are spoken in Africa?
Smallest continent in the world. Least populated. Surrounded by the Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, and Pacific Ocean. Is made up of Australia and a number of island countries. Much of Oceania's land mass is desert, but there are also very lush areas. Australia was colonized by Europeans as a penal colony or prison colony.
What type of colonists were the first to colonize Australia?
98% of Antarctica is covered with ice 1.6 kilometers (almost 1 mile) thick. Population: Visitors vary between 1000 and 4000 researchers Coldest and driest climate in the world. Antarctica is considered a dessert. (Temperature -98 F) People only live in Antarctica for research purposes.