1 ARRA Recipient Reporting FederalReporting.gov Briefing In-Bound Recipient Reporting April Reporting Cycle Enhancements March 29, 2010
2 Agenda April 2010 Reporting Timeline Demonstration of FederalReporting.gov April Enhancements –Continuous QA Agency Daily Notification –Data Quality –Bulk Commenting –Copy Forward Tips on Avoiding Mismatched Records FederalReporting.gov Resources Q&A
April 2010 Reporting Timeline and Activities Agency, Prime and Sub Recipient Registration 1 – 10 days after end of Quarter days after end of Quarter 13 – 29 days after end of Quarter 30 days after end of Quarter Prime Recipients & Subs Enter Draft Reporting Data Initial Submission 1 2 Prime Recipients Review Data Submitted By Sub(s) 3 Prime Recipients & Subs Make Corrections 4 Agency Review of Data Submitted Recipient Reports Published on Recovery. gov Prime Recipients & Subs Make Corrections Agency “View Only”Agency Review Period Continuous days after end of Quarter** Reporting Phase: Initial Submission Recipient Review Agency Review Published Prime Recipients Review Data Submitted By Sub(s) Agency Comments on Data Submitted 9 10 **Reports will be unlocked Days **There will be no late submission during Days days after end of Quarter - Maintenance Agency Comment Period Recipient Report Adjustments Possible Continual Review Prime Recipients & Subs Make Corrections 11 Agency Daily Extract 3
Continuous QA Agency Daily Notification Daily notifications to agency extract users are enhanced to include any comments made by agency or recipient users during the last 24-hour period. The enhanced notification has three parts: –Prime Recipient Reports modified in the last 24 hours –Sub Recipient Reports modified in the last 24 hours –Comments added in the last 24 hours 4
Continuous QA Agency Daily Notification 5 Prime Recipient Reports Primary Keys User Name Timestamp Sub Recipient Reports Primary Keys User Name Timestamp Comments Award Number User Name Comment (first 100 characters) Timestamp
Data Quality Checks Language Changes –Warning messages returned by the system when the number of jobs reported equals to or exceeds award amount / amount invoiced / total expenditure / infrastructure expenditure Previous: “If Number of Jobs is greater than 0, it cannot equal to or exceed -----” Current: “If Number of Jobs is greater than 0, it should not equal to or exceed -----” –Warning message returned by the system when the project status is set to “Fully Completed” and the total invoiced amount is $0.00 Previous: “Project Status cannot be ‘Fully Completed’ if…” Current: “Project Status should not be ‘Fully Completed’ if…” Calculation Change –The Number of Jobs calculation has changed. Previously, $15,600 was used to determine the trigger for the number of jobs warning. Going forward, $3,900 is used. A warning message is displayed if the number of jobs X $3900 ≥ Amount of Award Previous: “Number of Jobs multiplied by $15,600 must be less than or equal to the Amount of Award” Current: “Number of Jobs multiplied by $3,900 should be less than the Amount of Award” 6
Data Quality Checks Removed –The Award Date is more than 30 days from the date of final submission, the project status is “Fully Completed” and total expenditure is 0. New Hard Edit Error –The system will prevent the recipient from submitting a loan or a grant report if the Vendor’s Payment Amount is greater than the Prime Recipient Report’s Amount of Award “Vendor with Payment Amount $###.## must be less than or equal to the Amount of Award* on the Prime Recipient report. Please edit this vendor and resubmit your report.” 7
Data Quality Checks New Warnings for Reports Marked As Final –The system will return a warning message if the user has marked the report as final, but project status is not “Fully Completed.” “Report has been marked as final, but Project Status is not ‘Fully Completed.’” –The system will return a warning message if the user has marked the report as final, but the Total Federal Amount of ARRA Funds Received/Invoiced is less than the Award Amount. “Record has been marked final, but the Total Federal Amount of ARRA Funds Received/Invoiced is less than the Award Amount.” –The system will return a warning message if the report is marked as final, but the Total Federal Amount of ARRA Expenditure is less than the Award Amount. “Record has been marked final, but the Total Federal Amount of ARRA Expenditure is less than the Award Amount.” –The system will return a warning message if the report is marked as final, but the Total Federal Amount of ARRA Expenditure is less than the Total Federal Amount of ARRA Funds Received/Invoiced. “Report has been marked as final, but the Total Federal Amount of ARRA Expenditure is less than the Total Federal Amount ARRA Funds Received/Invoiced.” 8
Data Quality Checks New Warnings for Award Dates –The system will return a warning message if the Award’s award date is a future date “Award Date should be before the current date (MM/DD/YYYY).” –The system will return a warning message if the Sub Award’s award date is a future date “Sub Award Number #####: Sub Award should be before the current date (MM/DD/YYYY).” 9
Bulk Commenting Agency Users can comment on reports offline and upload the bulk comments file online. –The functionality utilizes existing Agency Extract files to support bulk commenting. –A blank column titled Report Comment has been added to the Agency Extract file. This column supports comments. –If an agency user wishes to comment on a report and set the report status to “Reviewed with Comments,” the user can type comments in the Report Comment column. –If an agency user wishes to set the report status to “Reviewed with No Comments,” the user can simply leave the report in the bulk comments file and leave the Report Comment field null. –If an agency user does not wish to set the report status, the user can delete the report record from the bulk comments file. –Once the bulk comments file is ready, the user can upload the file to FederalReporting.gov. FederalReporting.gov will process the file only if no errors are encountered. –FederalReporting.gov will send processing status notification to the bulk comments file submitter. –FederalReporting.gov will send notifications to recipients whose reports receive comments. 10
Bulk Commenting - Instructions 11 1.Select “My Agency Extract” to download the Agency Extract file. 2.Save the Agency Extract file on the desktop
Bulk Commenting - Instructions 12 3.Unzip the Agency Extract file. 4.The Agency Extract file is pipe delimited. Use Excel’s Text Import Wizard utility to open the file. 5.Set file type as Delimited and set the Delimiters as “|” 6.Set column data format as Text. 7.The file is opened in Excel.
Bulk Commenting - Instructions 13 8.Scroll to the right, the last column is the REPORT_COMMENT column. 9.To set a report as Reviewed - Comments, type comments in this field. 10.To set a report as Reviewed – No Comment, leave the field blank. 11.To set a report as Not Reviewed. Remove the entire record from the file. **Alert** The following characters will alter the text in the comment box: Double quotes (“) Double Hyphen from Microsoft Word (--) Ellipse from Microsoft Word (…)
Bulk Commenting - Instructions Save the file as a comma separated value file (.csv) 13.Click on Upload Comments and upload the Bulk Comments file.
Bulk Commenting Tips Bulk Commenting –Agency Users who are also Agency Extract recipients can download the Agency Extract file. –Agency Users who are also Agency Extract recipients can upload the Bulk Comments file. –The Agency Extract file contains all reports for the agency. –Agency Users cannot comment on sub recipient reports. –The Bulk Comments file will only append comments to the report. It will not update any other fields. –Comments made via the Bulk Comments file will be available online immediately after the successful processing of the file. –If the system rejects the Bulk Comments file: Troubleshoot by following the rejection reasons listed on the screen. Verify the file’s format is CSV. Verify the Bulk Comments file must have the same columns as the Agency Extract file. 15
Copy Forward Copy Forward –Recipients can only copy forward reports from the last reporting period (i.e in April 2010, recipients can only copy forward reports submitted in January 2010). –The copy forward page is enhanced to include the following question: “Is this a continuation of a [reporting month] [reporting year] report?” The recipient must select either “Yes” or “No” to complete the copy forward action Choosing “Yes” will link two reports together; “No” will keep them independent of each other. The value is not visible beyond the Copy Forward page Once a value is selected, it cannot be changed
Avoid Mismatched Reports 17 Mismatched reports are reports that are for the same award but the keys have changed since the previous reporting cycle. In this instance, the system cannot recognize that they are for the same award. For example, award “ABC123” in January reporting becomes “ABC- 123” in April reporting. To avoid mismatched reports, Award Recipients should be advised to utilize the Copy Forward function –and select “Yes” when the current report is an update to the previous report but the Award ID, DUNS Number and/or the Order Number have changed since the previous reporting cycle
FederalReporting.gov Resources Service Desk –New Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm (eastern time) –Telephone Number: (TTY) –Live Chat is still just a click away Downloads Page –User Guide Documentation –XML Schema and Ms-Excel Templates –Quick Reference Guides –Reference Documentation Recipient Reporting Data Model V3.0 Agency Codes Lookup Program Source (TAS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 18
Questions? 19