Advanced Contract Management Case Study Requirement Chat Room Week One
Advanced Contract Management SCENARIO You are a real estate broker and your agency is located in a one story professional building in Florida. The building has a reception area, a bathroom, a small kitchen area, and three 12’ X 12’ offices for you and two real estate agents that assist you. A 12’ X 12’ conference room is also available. An office assistant works in the reception area. The floor is tile. Each agent’s office has a desk, chair, two guest chairs as well as a filing cabinet. The conference room has an oval table with six chairs. The kitchen has a sink, microwave, coffee maker and a refrigerator. The receptionist area has a desk and chair, a printer, a fax machine, a copier, and a desk top personal computer. Each agent has a laptop and is tied into a local area network. Total square footage is 2376 sq. ft.
Advanced Contract Management Phase I – Write a request for proposal for custodial services for your real estate agency. This is to be accomplished by week 3 of the course. (MON APR 15,2013) your solution to my VillanovaU link
Advanced Contract Management Phase II – Develop a contract for custodial services for your building complete with all terms and conditions. This is to be accomplished by week 6 of the course.(Optional) your solution to my VillanovaU link.
Advanced Contract Management Phase III – Develop a contract administration plan for the custodial contract. This is to be accomplished by week 7 of the course. (Optional) your solution to my VillanovaU link.
Solicitation Points to Consider Scope of Services Proposal Requirements Proposal Schedule Selection Process Evaluation Criteria Terms and Conditions Scope of Work Matrix Detail of Proposal –Custodial Plan –Cost/Price Proposal –Employee screening and hiring process –Personnel –Supplies –Bond and Insurance –References –Safety and Security