TRIG 2006 Electronic and Live Online Reference Four Years On Nicole Phillips eLearning Librarian Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
TRIG 2006 HolmesglenHolmesglen Student population of over 50,000. Offers over 600 courses from traditional vocational courses, VCE as well as undergraduate degrees and post-graduate certificates and diplomas. The Information Commons is a network of four branches incorporating the library and over 300 computers for student use.
TRIG 2006 Software in 2002 Liveperson >software SoftwareSoftware Software in 2006 >software >company
TRIG 2006 Cost in 2002 (for full version) Approximately $5000 AUD. Actual cost is $3750 USD. Cost in 2006 (for ‘downgraded’ version) CostCost Actual cost is $1188 USD. Approximately $1598 AUD.
Buttons and Branding Original Customised 2002 BrandingBranding Customised 2006
TRIG 2006 Marketing 2002 Articles in Institute news Mass s to staff Demonstrations in information literacy classes Addition of LiveHelp button on website/databases Competitions Flyers MarketingMarketing Marketing 2006 All of the above + Articles in student newspaper
TRIG 2006 Staffing Initially a centralised service based at the Chadstone campus. Service staffed from Information desk. All reference staff trained to use software. Decentralised the service in June All branch reference staff trained to use software. All reference staff trained in conducting an online reference interview. We use transcripts to aid in staff training. Since conducting training, the quality of chat sessions has risen dramatically. StaffingStaffing
User Interface: Pre-chat survey
TRIG 2006 User Interface: in the chat room
TRIG 2006 Staff Interface: in the chat room
TRIG 2006 User Interface: canned responses database
TRIG 2006 What are they asking us? EVERYTHING! QuestionsQuestions do you know where can i find information about family court pre-trial hearnig. Hi, just wanted to know how I can renew my books over the internet. could you tell me how to access info on the correct way to write a bibliography on our holmesglen site please thankyou. i would like to know if i can access the k drive from home. I have placed a hold on a book by Peter Reed, Strategic Marketing Planning, and I wanted to check if it was ready for me to pick up. Hello, I would like to know whether there is a book called "Death by Chocolate" in the library. closing time at moorabin plz thanx. am trying 2 check my result but it says password is invalid plz help me. im trying to find newspaper articles from australia from late 1996,1997, is there a database I can search? hello, i was just wondering if you have examples of some business assignments like past assignments. hello...i want ur help i hav my subject of Food nutrition but may u plz tell me that i should search for subject or title.
TRIG 2006 Total Chats StatisticsStatistics Total Chats over 4.5 years is 3430
StatisticsStatistics Average number of chats per month Average over the 4.5 years is 61.5 chats per month
Wait time (in minutes) Average wait time is 0.58 seconds StatisticsStatistics
Contact Time (in minutes) Average contact time is 10 minutes, 50 seconds StatisticsStatistics
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The Future? Develop service to be 24/7 (or close to). Interested in developing a collaborative service with a W.A. and N.Z. Institute to make the most of time differences. The Future?The Future? In 2002> In 2006> Keep watching brief on potential developments. Maintain & improve the current service.
TRIG 2006 Contact ContactContact Nicole Phillips eLearning Librarian Holmesglen Institute of TAFE (03)