European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring Coordinator Institute for Economics, Labour and Culture (IWAK) University of Frankfurt a.M., Germany European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring Regional Labour Market Monitoring - a Strategy for the Support of Youth Employment Dr. Christa Larsen Open Days – 9th European Week of Regions and Cities Brussels Workshop 11A11 -11th October Developing Strategies for Youth Employment at the Regional/Local Level
European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring Youth in the Focus of Regional and Local Qualification and Labour Politics source for current and prospective labour demand source for the structure of the prospective local and regional population Topics professional orientation of pupils and students transition from school to employment professional education and training prevention and reduction of youth unemployment Regional/Local Actors decide for Adequate Strategies Initial Situation ___________________
European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring Prerequisite Transparency information actors and action Approaches of Regional / Local Labour Market Monitoring information (user specific) communication (no substantial effort) action (coordinated) Application in Regional and Local Labour Market Observatories strategic role of operators (initiate, coordinate, facilitate) Regional Labour Market Monitoring ___________________
European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring Initiating and Implementing Regional and Local Youth Monitoring 1. Regional and Local Operators of Labour Market Observatories infusing information in discourses of local networks connecting relevant actors and specifying information needs provide specified data; guide and facilitate communication 2. INITIATIVE FOR NETWORKING REGIONAL LABOUR MARKET OBSERVATORIES ACROSS EUROPE specifying relevant indicators and data support exchange and best practice-learning Successfactors of Youth Monitoing Regional and Local Youth Monitoring __________________________________
European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring Regional and Local Youth Monitoring ___________________ Thematic areas of indicators (Survey Aug. 2011) Core IndicatorsContext Indicators school leavers employment unemployment school to work transition skills requirements measures local economy/labour market population socio-economic situation prospective skills demand youth-related infrastructure crime
European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring State of the Art Assessment (Survey Aug. 2011) Regional and Local Youth Monitoring _____________________ % observ- atories using indicators related to youth (N=243) Core Indicators SCHOOL LEAVERS YOUTH EMPLOY - MENT YOUTH UNEM - PLOY - MENT SCHOOL TO WORK TRANSI - TION SKILLS REQUIRE - MENTS M EA - SURES 63% (n=152) 24% (n= 58) 3 % (n = 8) 8% (n = 21) 2% (n = 4)
European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring State of the Art Assessment (Survey Aug. 2011) Regional and Local Youth Monitoring _____________________ % obser- vatories using indicators related to youth (N=140) Context Indicators LOCAL / REGIONAL ECONOMY AND LABOUR MARKET POPULA - TION SOCIO - ECONOMIC SITUATION P ROSPEC - TIVE SKILLS DEMAND YOUTH RELATED INFRA - STRUCTURE CRIME 61% (n=85) 19 % (n= 27) 12 % (n = 17) 6 % (n = 9) 2 % (n = 2)
European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring Regional and Local Youth Monitoring _____________________ State of the Art Assessment (Survey Aug. 2011) User groups in Regions and Localities (percentage of counts) policy makers (23%) educational institutions (21%) administration (20%) social institutions (15%) enterprises (10%) individuals (8%) "Relevant factors for the reduction of youth unemployment in localities are net-working and harmonised strategy development grounded on monitoring data." (operator of a local labour market observatory in Poland, September 2011)
European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring Regional and Local Youth Monitoring _____________________ Examples of Regions and Localities conducting Youth Monitoring Eastern Scotland, Devon (GB) Wallonie (B) Provincia Autonoma Bolzano, Emilia Romagna, Piemonte (IT) Haute Normandie, Provence-Alpes-Cote dAzur, Bassin Parisian (F) Salzburg and Umgebung, Western Austria (A) Malopolska, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Wojewodztwo Slaskie(PL) Själland, Hovestaden (DK) Prague (CZ) Basque Country (E) Ticino (CH) Region Frankfurt-Rhine-Main (DE) Harju County (EE) …
European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring Next Steps ______________________________________ INITIATIVE FOR NETWORKING REGIONAL LABOUR MARKET OBSERVATORIES ACROSS EUROPE Second European Day in Luxembourg (6 th October 2011) results and documents Databank (systematic) networking and exchange Pool of Experts and Secretary of Initiative individual advice Newsletter best practice events, meetings projects
European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring ____________________________ Thank you for your Attention! For further information: European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring Initiative for Networking Regional Labour Market Observatories across Europe c/o Institute for Economics, Labour and Culture (IWAK) Centre of the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main Dr. Christa Larsen Mail: Phone: +49 (0) ;