Allegheny County CIS QI Report 2010 March – October 2010 Surveys
Allegheny County CIS QI CIS Survey Update Allegheny County has had 219 people who were active in CIS during 2010 In January to March 2010, the surveys were adapted to make them more recovery-oriented. The language was updated with help from the OBH Adult Transformation Team.
Allegheny County CIS QI Participation in the Survey In 2010, attempts were made 331 times to obtain the QI surveys. Surveys were attempted once with 119 people, twice with 103 people and three times with 2 people. Two people were not approached yet at the time of this report. If people declined, they were placed on a hold list for 12 months Otherwise surveys were scheduled to be attempted every six months Responses were given by consumers in 135 cases which constituted 61.6% of people in the CIS group.
Allegheny County CIS QI Reasons for non-participation OBH decided that participation could only count in 2010 if the person him- or herself was responsive and engaged. In the 2009 pilot, staff and others sometimes spoke on behalf of the consumer. People who were non-verbal were excluded (5 people) People who were unavailable were excluded for 6 months if incarcerated, in hospital, at EAC/TRU or out of state (59 people). Some were rescheduled.
Allegheny County CIS QI Reasons for non-participation Individuals declined to participate 116 times in 2010 – these were placed on a one year hold list Unavailable: –were incarcerated in 3 cases –were in state hospital in 13 cases –were in a community inpatient hospital in 10 cases –were in EAC/TRU in 8 cases –were out of state for an extended period in 2 cases –were not available at the appointed time in 59 cases
Allegheny County CIS QI Living situation Information for 135 contacts are available on current living situation –Living alone, independently – 3 people (.9%) –Living with family or friends – 4 people (1.2%) –Living in a group home setting – 27 people (8.2%) –Living in a supportive apartment – 37 people (11.2%) –Living in an LTSR – 9 people (2.7%) –Living in a nursing home or assisted living – 3 people (.9%) –Living in a personal care or CMHPCH setting – 31 people (9.4%) –Living in an intellectual disability setting – 2 people (.6%)
Allegheny County CIS QI Satisfaction with time spent with family in last 6 months compared to time previous 135 reports were received about time spent with family members –Doesn’t spend time with family – 22 people (6.6%) –Less satisfied with time – 13 people (3.9%) –More satisfied with time – 35 people (10.6%) –No difference – 65 people (19.6%)
Allegheny County CIS QI Satisfaction with time spent with friends/peers in last 6 months compared to time previous 135 reports were received about time spent with friends/peers –Doesn’t spend time with others – 7 people (2.1%) –Less satisfied than before – 15 people (4.5%) –More satisfied than before – 41 people (12.4%) –No difference than before – 72 people (21.8%)
Allegheny County CIS QI Satisfaction with time spent with groups of people in last 6 months compared to time previous 135 reports were received about satisfaction with groups of people –Doesn’t spend time with others – 11 people (3.3%) –Less satisfied than before – 10 (3.0%) –More satisfied than before – 39 (11.8%) –No difference than before – 75 people (22.7%)
Allegheny County CIS QI Current participation in work activities 135 responses were received –Person does not feel well or is otherwise unable to work at this time – 9 (6.7%) –Person is not considering working at this time – 55 (40.7%) –Person is considering working – 14 (10.4%) –Person would like help finding work – 7 (5.2%) –Person is receiving help to look for work – 18 (13.3%) –Person is actively looking for work – 16 (11.9%) –Person is currently in job training – 1 (.7%) –Person is actively working – 21(15.6%)
Allegheny County CIS QI Current participation in volunteering 135 responses were received –Does not feel well or is otherwise unable – 3 (2.2%) –Not considering volunteering at this time – 106 (78.5%) –Considering volunteering – 8 (5.9%) –Would like help looking for volunteer opportunities – 3 (2.2%) –Receiving help to look for volunteer opportunities – 3 (2.2%) –Actively volunteers – 10 (7.4%)
Allegheny County CIS QI Current participation in educational activities 135 responses were received –Does not feel well or is otherwise unable -4 (3.0%) –Is not interested in school or training at this time – 93 (69.8%) –Is considering school or training -18 (13.3%) –Would like help looking for educational or training opportunities – 8 (5.9%) –Is receiving help looking for educational or training opportunities – 5 (3.7%) –Is actively in school or training -6 (4.4%)
Allegheny County CIS QI Satisfaction with current work activities over the past three months 135 responses were received –Satisfied – 100 (74.1%) –So So – 17 (12.6%) –Dissatisfied – 15 (11.1%) –Declined response - 3 (2.2%)
Allegheny County CIS QI Satisfaction with current volunteer activities over the past 3 months 135 responses were received –Satisfied – 119 (88.81%) –So so – 5 (3.7%) –Dissatisfied – 3 (2.2%) –Client declined to respond - 8 (5.9%)
Allegheny County CIS QI Satisfaction with current educational activities over past 3 months 135 responses were received –Satisfied – 108 (80%) –So so – 11 (8.1%) –Dissatisfied – 8 (5.9%) –Client declined to answer – 8 (5.9%)
Allegheny County CIS QI Physical Health Issues 135 responses were received about health issues and healthcare coordination. YesNoUnknown/ Not applicable Declined Concerns about own health in past 6 mos. 89 (65.9%) 38 (28.1%)8 (5.9%)0 Health concerns in past 6 mos are resolved or addressed. 98 (75.6%) 10 (7.4%)27 (20%)0 Routine physical in past 6 months 120 (88.9%) 14 (10.4%)1 (.7%)0 Routine dental exam in past 6 mos. 54 (40%) 64 (47.4%) 17 (12.6%)0 Routine eye exam in past 6 mos.53 (39.3%) 61 (45.2%) 21 (15.6%)0 Routine hearing exam in past 6 mos. 24 (17.8%) 84 (62.2%) 27 (20%)0
Allegheny County CIS QI Healthcare Coordination Issues YesNoUnknown/ Not applicable Declined Medical doctor and psych team have person’s permission to talk with each other 96 (71.1%) 6 (4.4%)33 (24.4%)0 Person is coordinating or learning to manage own healthcare 51 (37.8% 73 (54.1%) 10 (7.4%)1 (.7%)
Allegheny County CIS QI Personal participation in wellness YesNoUnknown/ Not applicable Declined Has taken part in exercise in the last 6 months 80 (59.3%) 49 (36.3%)6 (4.4%)0 Has taken part in improving his or her diet in the last 6 months 69 (51.1%) 52 (38.5%)14 (10.4%)0 Has worked on stopping smoking in the last six months N= 86 smokers=63.7% of respondents 22 (16.3% of all; 25.6% of smokers) 64 (47.4% of all; 74.1% of smokers) 49 (36.3%)0 Has worked on stress reduction in the last 6 months 103 (76.3%) 15 (11.1%)17 (12.6%)0
Allegheny County CIS QI Satisfaction with physical health, coordination and healthy activities These questions were added in late July responses were obtained on these issues. SatisfiedSo soDissatisfiedDeclines response Satisfaction with physical healthcare 48 (92.3%) 3 (5.8%)01 (1.9%) Satisfaction with healthcare coordination 49 (94.2%) 1 (1.9%) Satisfaction with activities to improve health 50 (96.2%) 1 (1.9%)0
Allegheny County CIS QI Next Steps Over the next months, we will continue to analyze the data, looking for change over time where more than one survey is provided by the same person.