Final Finale Assignments In this set we will start with slurs and move onto real time entry using a keyboard or other MIDI input device. There will be a demo on other MIDI devices coming up. In addition, to that we should talk about a DigiDesign open house on the 30 th of this month. This would be worth going to for you. Merle from IT will be here at 8:30 to do one final check of each of the computers. I will need to be at each station for a few minutes working with him. We may want to just end class a little early or have you work at another station during that time.
An example of preparation for a concert or performance. Planning the mixer always helps out during the performance or recording. In addition to this all of the mics were labeled. That saved time since there were 5 different groups involved in this.
A project plan also helps. Here is one for last Thursday’s class
Moses adding slurs etc. Again I will give you the entry and you must add in the slurs etc. This one will work on modulation, Slurs, phrase markings, crescendos etc. One last assignment before Hyperscribe. I want you to work at least some time in the lab today. I was here a bit late on Tuesday and we found that the sound cards have an issue. I will be working with IT to finally resolve it. May mean different sound cards. For recording we need to agree on a time and day. It will be at least 6 hours total – but you don’t all need to be here the whole time. It will take the place of 2 weeks of class time. After we record, the class will mix it down and you will each product a CD of what you recorded. You can bring in others (to a point) to play parts for you. An example is a pianist to accompany a vocal part you lay down. Or you could sequence a background or even use Band In A Box (we will be covering that later)
Final output should look like this.
This is what you will start with. Take your time on this. Step one is to do the modulation. Use the key signature tool for this. Click on measure 18 and select measure 18 through the end of the piece, the n change the key to G Major and transpose notes up. Then enter the slurs using the Smart shape. Click on the starting note and move the cursor to the ending note and click on it to attach it. Next do the Crescendo marking. Again use the smart shape. You double click where you want it and drag and release where it ends up. If you don’t do it long enough or if you do it too long you can click on the handle and change it in the same manner! To enter the ritard use the expression box then use smart shapes dashed bracket tool.
Hyperscribe and Speedy Entry Using Piano Keyboard This will be used for your original piece. We will cover this in about 2 weeks. Midi entry can be fast but it is also difficult to play exactly and will require knowledge of such issues as quantization setting. Lecture to follow on that topic. We may also break from notation for a short while to look at other applications – a break may be needed.
Hyperscribe First need to cover some basics. Quantization is one of the keys. (explain) Settings – beat source etc. View the video in class. May want to practice it a bit before trying to record it. Can enter with piano or also with any MIDI instrument. I will bring in a MIDI guitar one day to demonstrate.
First order is to enter a simple tune We will do some preliminary work before your composition to get you into the program more. Start by watching the video on Hyperscribe. Take notes for yourself. Read about each of the stations in the previous handouts given to you. Each station is slightly different.
Entering in real time What if composers could just play the music instead of writing it all out? Back etc. could have entered much more than they ever wrote. What are advantages and disadvantages of doing this? Hyperscribe allows you to do this. You will learn the following in the next exercise. –Creating a blank default document –Entering music in real time using Hyperscribe. –Creating 2 sets of measure numbers in the same piece. –Setting the Quantization numbers. –Page formatting. –Moving staves in Page Layout. –Changing tempos for playback
Another method to create a blank document From the File Menu select New and then Default Document from the sub-menu. The setup Wizard creates a piece with 21 measures. Since the example has 28 measures select the Measure tool and left click it to enter several additional measures. Click add measures and add 7 additional measures. Since the examples are in the key of G select the Key signature tool and change the key to G major. Do the same with the time signature and set it to ¾ time.
Creating 2 sets of Measure Numbers. Finale automatically creates measure numbers when you start, but you may want measure numbers by regions of the song. In this piece we will have 2 regions – measures 1 – 14, and then 15 to the end. Select the measure tool. From the Measures menu select Measure numbers and then edit regions. Make the following changes: –Enter 1 for first region and 14 for end of that region. Click show every 1 measure beginning with measure 1. Make sure you choose to show every measure or it won’t happen! –To create a 2 nd region of numbers do the Add button to create a new measure number region. Enter the 2 nd region Select show every 1 measure etc.
Entering Real Time Start by setting up the metronome. From the Options menu choose Click and count-off. Here you can choose a sound from the keyboard. For us in the class though we will use the click feature mentioned later. I and other prefer this as it isn’t tied to the keyboard. Next in the Hyperscribe tool menu select beat source and select tap. Choose a tempo that is slow enough or you to play. Set the Quantization – in America this would be an 1/8 th note. But try other settings. You can also set the tempo very slow so that you can play it.
Enter America Click on the first measure. After a 2 bar click count-off start playing. Don’t worry if you make a playing mistake as you can go back later and fix it. You can edit in any of the forms we have used before. I will demo in class. To set the Quantization level go to the options menu and choose Quantization Settings. Set the smallest not value to an 1/8 th note. There are no triplets or tuplets in this so make sure No Tuplets is checked!! Click OK to save. Next in the Hyperscribe menu select Record mode and then Record into one staff from the submenu. From the Hyperscribe options choose Refresh Screen and Receive on All Channels. Click the mouse inside the first measure. After you hear 2 measures in ¾ time as a count off, start recording. If you don’t like your first take then go to the edit menu and choose undo hyperscribe session. Just redo it. I use Speedy Note Entry to go to the specific measures to edit rather than the undo command.
To beat or not You also may want to try it without time. You can do this by controlling the beat yourself with a key on the MIDI Keyboard or with a foot pedal. I do this with a foot pedal. While I know many people who do this I don’t as a practice as I prefer to have the tempo slow enough that I can play it and listen to the beat. It is more like working with a conductor than tapping yourself.
Erasing all the music without deleting Choose the Mass Mover Tool. From Edit Menu choose Select All. From the Mass Edit menu choose clear item. In the Items to Erase window select Everything. This will erase everything by the measures. I use this rarely but use the selected items and Entries quite a bit.
Controlling the beat. Select Hyperscribe tool. Select Beat Source from that menu and Tap from the sub-menu. Choose listen and push the sustain pedal. Now do everything like before but start by clicking the sustain pedal for a few measures – you need only do 1 measure but I like to get the feel and beat solid before playing. Now enter the Hyperscribe example #2 melody – counter melody starting on measure 15 (that will be numbered 1).
Now put the 2 together Add another staff. Use the staff tool and choose add another staff - default From the Mass mover Highlight the counter melody. Click on the first measure of the counter melody – keep the shift key down and click on the last measure. Hold the Control and press the C key to copy. Next go to the first measure of the piece and Click on it and again holding the shift key down click on the 14 th measure then do control V to paste the part in. Listen to the two played together.
Minimizing rests This is very useful if like me you are not a keyboardist. Form the Options menu select Quantization settings. Click More Settings button. Click on Minimize the number of rests. Also remove notes smaller then 20 EDU’s then convert to real notes. This should help some of the notes come out more like what you want.
Changing tempos for playback Select the Tempo tool. Click the mouse inside the first measure. Set the starting tempo to 100 and measures 1:1 to 1:14. Click OK. Do the same but click on measure 15. Set the tempo to 120 beats per minute and now measure 2:1 through the end of the piece.
Summary Hyperscribe can speed up entry if you can play well enough to take advantage of it. I personally do not use it as much as any of the step entry we did before. Even though I can use it for guitar there is some latency that gets in the way. But I do real time entry with Hyperscribe enough that it is valuable. For example: –Entering exercises or scales for students to play. –Doing arrangements and doing chord melodies that are just time consuming by hand. –Doing simple horn parts – I can and do play those by hand into the piece.
Now to apply to your composition One reason I want you to enter it using Hyperscribe is that in this manner you will have to play and actually hear what you have written. This doesn’t even approach what can be done with Finale and time permitting at the end of the course we will delve deeper into arranging. But recording and other computer applications must come first.
Composition Notation Assignment This assignment will be using Hyperscribe. Pick a piece that you have music for or better yet compose your own piece. If you compose your own piece you can earn an A+ on this assignment. If you pick a piece then your top grade you can earn is B. I really want you to write a piece. If you are not a music major there is only a bonus for doing your own piece. If you compose your own piece you will not be required to have lyrics, otherwise you will need to put lyrics in the piece or have an piece with at least 4 instruments. Enter the following: –Notes –Title –Composer –Lyrics –Chords (in symbol form) –Articulation. –Time and key signatures –Correct clef’s –Space music so no more than 4 measures per line Must be at least 24 measures long. You may have to start it in Notepad and then move it to Finale in order to complete it and have it look close to the original!
Due Dates Since I have added in a bit more the due dates are changing. For Happy Birthday and the Finale questions paper they are Oct 4. For the other assignments up to but not including the Articulation the due date is Oct 18. For the articulation it is Oct 25. For Hyperscribe it is November 1 st. That will give us 6 weeks to complete the recording and other assignments. We need to start seriously working on that. I want you to start thinking about your composition, I will give you more time on that (2 weeks) after the last assignment but you need to start working on it now! We will talk a bit about what I am looking for and how to go about writing a piece.