I. Life of Jesus -Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary & Joseph -Roman king Herod forced families to return to their birthplaces to pay taxes -Jews had been persecuted and were looking for a messiah -thought he would be a great king like David -Jesus began age followers called disciples
A) Jesus’ Teachings= -God would return soon - urged people to turn from sin -following laws wasn’t as important as relationship w/ God -message was of love and forgiveness -shaped values that many still hold today -taught in parables B) The Crucifixion= -followers believed that Jesus was the messiah -Jews disagreed
-Romans felt threatened by Jesus -Jesus was arrested for treason -crucified -die of suffocation C) Resurrection= -followers claimed that Jesus was resurrected -they saw him & the tomb was empty -formed the basis of Christianity & sparked a new religion
D) What do Christians Believe? 1. Jesus is the Son of God and the messiah 2. Salvation= accepting Jesus and his teachings 3. Holy Trinity= father, son, and holy ghost 4. Go to heaven after death
II. The Church -Christianity’s spread was helped by the Roman Empire -Roman roads allowed safe, easy travel -Common language A) 3 Reasons for attraction= 1) Gave meaning to peoples lives 2) Christian ideas were familiar 3) Opportunity to be a part of a caring group
B) Roman Treatment of Christians= -persecuted Christians -saw them as a threat b/c they would not worship emperor -Christianity was made illegal -A.D. 312= Constantine became a Christian -Edict of Milan= gave religious freedom & made Christianity legal -A.D. 392= Christianity was Rome’s official religion
C) Church Organization= -Church was organized into a hierarchy -see pg records were kept of Jesus’ life= New Testament -Mathew, Mark, Luke, & John -called the gospels