Origin of Democratic Ideas Greeks, Romans and Religion Greeks, Romans and Religion
Greek Civilization Each City-State had its own GOVERNMENT, a system for controlling society. MONARCHY-single ruler as a king. ARISTOCRACY-ruled by a group of noble, land owning families. OLIGARCHY-ruled by a few in power. DEMOCRACY-”rule of the people” (desmos means people, kratos means power) CITIZEN – an individual with rights & responsibilities Each City-State had its own GOVERNMENT, a system for controlling society. MONARCHY-single ruler as a king. ARISTOCRACY-ruled by a group of noble, land owning families. OLIGARCHY-ruled by a few in power. DEMOCRACY-”rule of the people” (desmos means people, kratos means power) CITIZEN – an individual with rights & responsibilities
Greek Leaders Reforms of SOLON-outlawed slavery based on debt, established four classes of citizen-ship based on wealth, all free adult males were citizens. CLEISTHENES-founder of democracy, he increased the power of the assembly by allowing citizens to submit laws for debate and passage. Created a DIRECT DEMOCRACY which citizens of Athens rule and make laws directly rather than by representatives. - Pericles- advanced dem. further, paid slaves… Reforms of SOLON-outlawed slavery based on debt, established four classes of citizen-ship based on wealth, all free adult males were citizens. CLEISTHENES-founder of democracy, he increased the power of the assembly by allowing citizens to submit laws for debate and passage. Created a DIRECT DEMOCRACY which citizens of Athens rule and make laws directly rather than by representatives. - Pericles- advanced dem. further, paid slaves…
Greek Philosophers use of reason SOCRATES-encouraged students to examine beliefs. Used question/answer approach known as Socratic method. PLATO-a student of Socrates, wrote “The Republic”. Believed Philosopher Kings were best form of government. ARISTOTLE-a student of Plato, wrote “Politics”. Believed people could govern themselves SOCRATES-encouraged students to examine beliefs. Used question/answer approach known as Socratic method. PLATO-a student of Socrates, wrote “The Republic”. Believed Philosopher Kings were best form of government. ARISTOTLE-a student of Plato, wrote “Politics”. Believed people could govern themselves
Roman Government REPUBLIC-a system which power rests with citizens who have the right to elect leaders who make governmental decisions. 12 TABLES -written laws that were publicly displayed carved into 12 tablets. SENATE-a legislative branch with representatives serving life terms. REPUBLIC-a system which power rests with citizens who have the right to elect leaders who make governmental decisions. 12 TABLES -written laws that were publicly displayed carved into 12 tablets. SENATE-a legislative branch with representatives serving life terms.
Religions helped shape democracy Early religions were POLYTHEISTIC, belief in more than one God. JUDAISM-early history of Hebrews, later called Jews, comes from first 5 books of Hebrew Bible, the TORAH. Father of Jews was Abraham who was chosen by God. Jewish law taught morality. God gave code to Moses in the form of the Ten Commandments. Early religions were POLYTHEISTIC, belief in more than one God. JUDAISM-early history of Hebrews, later called Jews, comes from first 5 books of Hebrew Bible, the TORAH. Father of Jews was Abraham who was chosen by God. Jewish law taught morality. God gave code to Moses in the form of the Ten Commandments.
Christianity Circa 25 A.D. a Jewish prophet named Jesus preached in Judea and Galilee. Perceived as a threat to Roman leaders, he was crucified. He was considered a savior or “messiah”. Nero persecuted Christians (A.D ). 313 A.D. Constantine tolerated Christians Circa 380, Theodosius the Great adopted Christianity as official religion of Rome. Christ’s teachings shaped the value system of all medieval Europe. Circa 25 A.D. a Jewish prophet named Jesus preached in Judea and Galilee. Perceived as a threat to Roman leaders, he was crucified. He was considered a savior or “messiah”. Nero persecuted Christians (A.D ). 313 A.D. Constantine tolerated Christians Circa 380, Theodosius the Great adopted Christianity as official religion of Rome. Christ’s teachings shaped the value system of all medieval Europe.
Islam The prophet Muhammad taught the teachings of Allah (God in Arabic) in early 600s. Emphasized charity, brotherhood and tolerance among all religions and a bond within the community. Dominant religion of Mid-East. Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem = Holy Cities Quran – Sacred Book of Islam Mosque – Muslims’ place of worship. 5 Pillars = belief, prayer, charity, fasting & a pilgrimage to Mecca once in lifetime. The prophet Muhammad taught the teachings of Allah (God in Arabic) in early 600s. Emphasized charity, brotherhood and tolerance among all religions and a bond within the community. Dominant religion of Mid-East. Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem = Holy Cities Quran – Sacred Book of Islam Mosque – Muslims’ place of worship. 5 Pillars = belief, prayer, charity, fasting & a pilgrimage to Mecca once in lifetime.
Monotheistic Religions & Democracy The legacy of Monotheistic Religions. Individual/community duty - combat oppression Worth of individual is important Equality of People before God The legacy of Monotheistic Religions. Individual/community duty - combat oppression Worth of individual is important Equality of People before God
England-High Middle Ages Magna Carta, People forced King John to sign the document that reduced his power. Parliament first met in 1295 to aid the king in approving policy (taxes). These were two steps toward a democratic government. No other European nation did anything like it until the 18 th century. Magna Carta, People forced King John to sign the document that reduced his power. Parliament first met in 1295 to aid the king in approving policy (taxes). These were two steps toward a democratic government. No other European nation did anything like it until the 18 th century.
Renaissance and Reformation Europe after the Middle Ages ( ), began in Italy w/ help of printing press. Involves a rebirth of the Greek and Roman Arts and importance of individual achievement known as “HUMANISM”. Education grew. 1517, Martin Luther, a Catholic monk posted his 95 Thesis (criticisms of the church). Didn’t like that church sold forgiveness of sins, that Priests couldn’t marry, others. Began Lutheran church, the first of Protestant religions. Europe after the Middle Ages ( ), began in Italy w/ help of printing press. Involves a rebirth of the Greek and Roman Arts and importance of individual achievement known as “HUMANISM”. Education grew. 1517, Martin Luther, a Catholic monk posted his 95 Thesis (criticisms of the church). Didn’t like that church sold forgiveness of sins, that Priests couldn’t marry, others. Began Lutheran church, the first of Protestant religions.