Please use this time to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences at the round table in the back.
Mrs. Jenea Smith Look for the Newsletters in your student’s take-home folder for weekly information!
1.Be respectful of our classroom friends and supplies. 2.Always raise your hand before talking. 3.Always walk quietly in the hallway and during fire drills. 4.Always keep your hands and feet to yoursef. 5.Be a good listener while others are talking.
Monday:Physical Education Computer Lab Tuesday: Art Wednesday: Music Computer Lab Thursday:Physical Education Friday:Music LMC (Fun Friday!)
Spelling Homework: -Due every Friday -Provides practice of spelling and sight words for the week -Encourages children to write the words Spelling Test Fridays Signature Paper set-up Spelling City-Practiced throughout week -Read with your child at home -Read to me every Friday (see composition notebook) Review
General Overview of ELA Schedule: Monday- Build background knowledge, introduce spelling and vocabulary words, reader response journal Tuesday- Picture walk through selection, teacher read-aloud, focus on target skill, introduce grammar, phonics Wednesday- Phonics, choral reading of selection, grammar Thursday- Reread selection for fluency (independently, small groups, partners) Friday- Selection Test, Spelling Test, Word List Test Vocabulary Important for selection tests and benchmark exams Practice book pages reinforce vocabulary and phonics skills Target Skills SCOTT FORESMAN
Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Math Book and Assessments Spiral Review Typical lesson: Introduce topic: build background knowledge Learn new skill: whole group guided practice (front) Practice new skill: Independent practice (back) Review: conclude lesson with an activity/game/discussion Leveled Practice Pages
Incorporated into ELA instruction Topics: Families, Community, Rules and Laws, Map Skills* Projects: Community Interview Timeline
BOCES Kits Properties Weather Goldfish and Guppies Rocks, Fossils, and Dinosaurs (field trip in May) Project: Aquarium
Star Student
Before you leave: Please sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. If you are interested in being a classroom volunteer please sign up!