Book of Acts “Gospel of the Holy Spirit”
The Sanhedrin tried to stamp out the Jesus Movement – Saw the Followers of the Way as dangerous to Judaism as they knew it – The Way challenged the Interpretation of Torah – Jesus brought new interpretation of Torah – Interpretation of the prophets » Jesus fulfills the prophecies – They saw it as replacing over 1000 years of Jewish tradition
The apostles were arrested by the Jewish authorities because they strongly challenged Jewish tradition Were considered blasphemers Authorities did not want to be accused of killing Jesus Wanted to put Peter and others to death
Yet there was one Sanhedrin Member who saw things differently: Rabbi Gamaliel, who – urged the Sanhedrin not to stone Peter and the apostles – argued There have been other movements before They died out If this one is from God it will last Wait and see
Thus Peter and the Apostles were spared When it came to Stephen, however, – His words in the synagogue of the Freedmen (former Jewish slaves) incensed its followers They accused him of – Blasphemy vs.Moses & God – Speaking vs. Temple & Law
The Life of Stephen hdt.
And for all his effort, Stephen Gets stoned. The first Christian martyr.
A persecuted church Despite Gamaliel, the Sanhedrin remained wary of and threatened by the followers of Jesus – Continued arresting/persecu ting the disciples – some Christians fled to Antioch, Damascus and other cities to avoid persecution in Jerusalem
Saul comes to the picture as a Persecutor Paul was a Pharisee Was sent to Damascus to arrest Christians From Tarsus Witnessed Stephen’s death with approval – probably perceived Jesus’ crucifixion as something scandalous. By persecuting the apostles, Paul was probably familiar with the “basic views of the Christian faith.” He started persecuting the new movement in Jerusalem. As he states it, he was “violently persecuting the church of God and was trying to destroy it.” He was persecuting the church not because he was part of the Roman Empire but because of his “zeal for the tradition of his ancestors.”
Paul’s conversion reading
After the conversion The disciples do not trust Paul They think is he pretending to be Christian to get to them Paul proves himself to the disciples Preaches outside the temple Gets beaten for being a Christian Paul finally meets the apostles. Most Jews did not accept Paul or his message PAUL’S CLAIM TO APOSTLESHIP READING
Paul’s Claim to Apostleship Paul is commissioned to preach to the Gentiles Paul is commissioned to preach to the Gentiles Paul was chosen by God among the apostles to fulfill the proclamation announced in the scriptures and not being performed by the other apostles Paul was chosen by God among the apostles to fulfill the proclamation announced in the scriptures and not being performed by the other apostles – which consists on saving all people including the Gentiles.
The Conflict Paul perceives a danger emerging from the heart of Christianity, not from the Gentiles who converted but from the “circumcised,” the Jews who became Christians. Paul perceives a danger emerging from the heart of Christianity, not from the Gentiles who converted but from the “circumcised,” the Jews who became Christians. The Way is divided into two groups: The Way is divided into two groups: 1.Circumcised: Jews who converted to the Way 2.Uncircumcised: Gentiles who converted to the Way As a result, the circumcised Christians perceived Paul’s gospel as inferior As a result, the circumcised Christians perceived Paul’s gospel as inferior Paul understands that Jesus was “a servant of the circumcised,” and that Peter as well as the other apostles have been commissioned to go to the circumcised. Paul understands that Jesus was “a servant of the circumcised,” and that Peter as well as the other apostles have been commissioned to go to the circumcised.
Paul was well received by the Gentiles, contrary to the Jews who rejected him. Paul was well received by the Gentiles, contrary to the Jews who rejected him. – This might be one reason why Paul stayed with the Gentiles. Paul is judged by the apostles because he is the one allowing the Gentiles to worship God without converting to Judaism, and without observing the Jewish traditions. Paul is judged by the apostles because he is the one allowing the Gentiles to worship God without converting to Judaism, and without observing the Jewish traditions.