A.To protect the vassal and his fief (land) B.To right wrongs done to his Vassal OBLIGATIONS OF THE LORD TO HIS VASSAL
C. To give an oath of fealty (act of homage/loyalty) JudicialD. To attend the lord’s court, to advise him, and to give judgment in cases concerning other lords E. Feudal ‘aids’- to make payments upon the knighting of the lord’s son, the marriage of his daughter FinancialF. To pay ransom if the lord is captured. G. ‘Relief’- to pay a tax upon inheriting a fief H. To give the lord lodging when he travels I. To serve the lord as a knight for a certain number of days each year Military (sometimes 40 days) J. To provide the lord with other mounted men OBLIGATIONS OF THE VASSAL TO HIS LORD
Medical care was limited Poor Personal hygiene was a problem (no bathing, people had bugs) Dental care was limited BLACK DEATH Limited food Lots of taxes Lived with the animals- very dirty Short life span Illiterate (could not read or write) Roads were dangerous Wars Jobs were tough WHY WAS LIFE SO DIFFICULT FOR PEOPLE DURING THE MIDDLE AGES? What was important to the people and gave them hope?? The Catholic Church and the thought of going to heaven gave them hope!!
Most Europeans during the Middle Ages were Catholic. The Catholic Church was the CENTER of everyone’s life. Most villages had a church in the center of town. People paid taxes to the Church! Most people were illiterate so the stained glass windows in the church told stories from the Bible People belonged to the Church so they could go to Heaven! MEDIEVAL LIFE REVOLVED AROUND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
The Church was veeeeeery important until… THE BUBONIC PLAGUE (a.k.a. the Black Death)