The End of the Pax Romana
Warm Up In your notebook, you will be writing the questions below. Be sure to leave 3-4 lines between each so you have room for your answers. You have 5 minutes… 1. What happened to Rome after the death of Marcus Aurelius and his son Commodus? 2. From what you just read, what were three major reasons for the decline of the empire? 3. What effect did warfare have on the empire?
Directions Please take A Message of Ancient Days from the stack by the window and open to page 471.
Survey/Question/Read/Recite/Review Survey – look at the pages Survey – look at the pages Question – from what you see on these pages, write down any questions you have… Question – from what you see on these pages, write down any questions you have… Read Read Recite Recite Review Review We are going to be doing things a little differently since we will be completing the questions from your warm up using Think/Pair/Share…
Think/Pair/Share THINK = By yourself, quietly COMPLETE all of the questions that go along with what we just read. PAIR = Quietly DISCUSS your answers with the person sitting next to you. SHARE your BEST answers with the class.
#1 What happened to Rome after the death of Marcus Aurelius and his son Commodus? Military leaders began to fight for military power and the empire began to decline.
#2 From what you just read, what were three major reasons for the decline of the empire? There were political problems within the empire, the economy was really bad, and outside forces were attacking.
What effect did warfare have on the empire? Some effects were: people were taxed and left their jobs/farms, there were shortages of food, trade was disrupted, and poverty and unemployment increased
Warm Up From what we learned last class, what does SQ3R stand for? Write in the correct word for each letter below. You have 3 minutes… SQRRR
Directions On a new page in your notebook, please set up your paper using the Cornell Method of note taking from the other day. If you can’t remember, look at the diagram on the board. When you are finished, take A Message of Ancient Days from the stack by the window and open to page 472.
The Reign of Diocletian Diocletian ordered the persecution of the Christians to make the Roman gods happy. Diocletian ordered the persecution of the Christians to make the Roman gods happy. Diocletian set prices for goods and increased the size of the army. Diocletian set prices for goods and increased the size of the army. Diocletian divided the empire into regions and passed strict laws to keep people in their jobs. Diocletian divided the empire into regions and passed strict laws to keep people in their jobs. Under Diocletian, the emperor had complete control of the people. Under Diocletian, the emperor had complete control of the people.
The Reign of Constantine Constantine adopted Christianity and Christianity became the main religion of the Roman Empire Constantine adopted Christianity and Christianity became the main religion of the Roman Empire Constantine established the new capital of Constantinople in the east. Constantine established the new capital of Constantinople in the east. Constantinople had many advantages as a capital city. Constantinople had many advantages as a capital city. After Constantine’s death, the Roman Empire became permanently split by 400 C.E. After Constantine’s death, the Roman Empire became permanently split by 400 C.E.
Summary In your own words, complete a short summary of the section you just finished. When you are done, please return the book to the side of the room by the window. We will share some of these summaries with the rest of the class once all the books are back.
Important People Diocletian – Roman emperor who persecuted Christians and reestablished order to the Roman Empire Constantine – Roman emperor who established Constantinople and adopted Christianity as the main religion of the Roman Empire