Our Kindergarten Day: Ms. Majewski’s Class TimeActivityWe are learning… 8:50-9:15 The bell rings at 8:50 Arrival, morning work, attendance, announcements During morning work, students will be practicing sentence writing and learning new sight words. As the year progresses we will add a variety of review activities. 9:15-9:30 Morning MeetingWe learn math and language skills in context of our calendar. We build our oral language, phonics, and phonemic awareness. We also discuss The Leader in Me concepts. 9:30-10:15 Guided Reading and Work Stations This is a chance for the teacher to pull small reading groups and to provide reading instruction at each student’s individual ability. The students not meeting with the teacher will be practicing literacy skills individually or with a partner. The teacher also gives whole-group phonics/ word work and reading skill instruction at this time. 10:15- 11:00 Break, Snack, Morning Recess Students will have a chance for a bathroom break, movement, snack, and morning recess. Morning recess will be phased out as the year progresses, extending academic lessons. 11:00- 11:25 Writer’s WorkshopThe teacher will provide writing lessons that will guide the students as they make meaning in their illustrations and writing composition. Students write on a topic of their own choice. 11:25- 11:40 Readers WorkshopThe teacher will provide reading lessons that guide the students as they make meaning of the books they listen to and books they read on their own. 11:00- 11:55 Read AloudThis is an interactive reading activity where students think critically about a text related to a unit of study or The Leader in Me. 11:55- 12:55 Lunch prep, Lunch/Recess Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria and play on the playground with grades 1-2. Lunch is from 12:05-12:30, recess is from 12:30-12:55. 12:55-1:10 HandwritingFour days a week, students learn handwriting and letter/number formation, focusing on the Zaner-Bloser style of letter formation. 1:10-1:45 Math Workshop3-4 days a week, the teacher will provide math lessons to the whole group. Students will then practice these particular skills with a partner and again individually. New skills are introduced during this period. 1:45-2:05 Math Stations3-4 days a week, students work individually or with a partner to complete math tasks. These tasks are generally review tasks. They are highly engaging, so the students LOVE THEM! The teacher will be providing individual instruction or small group instruction. Science/ Social Studies Once a week, students will learn science and social studies content during this time. NOTE: Often times the texts selected during reader’s workshop will support the content being discussed during our content area studies. Free ChoiceOnce a week, students will have a block of time for dramatic play and exploration with activities of their own choice. 2:05-2:35 Quiet Time/ Snack/ Pack Students may eat a healthy peanut-free snack during this time. During quiet time, students will listen to quiet music, listen to stories, or watch educational videos. 2:35-3:20 SpecialsMondays: Art, Tuesdays: Music (1:50-2:35) & Technology Wednesdays: Leadership Time Thursdays: P.E. (wear gym shoes!), Fridays: LMC (bring back library book!) 3:20-3:50 Kindergarten Recess Students will be on the playground to work on social skills, gross motor, and peer relations. Feel free to check in at the office and join us outside during this time! Arrival 8:40-8:50: Line up at the side door facing Hubbard (by the dumpsters) Dismissal 3:55: Students will be released from the same door they lined up at