Conduct research in a laboratory setting Using living organisms as models to conduct experiments Evaluate the effectiveness of treatments. Can find things in body at a crime
Jobs increasing 40% Many new opportunities opening Hospitals, crime labs, and medical labs Jobs will continue to rise. 1424 more jobs a year
Average $90,230 Starting at $65,520 per year. Highest average $145,570- Idaho › Not many people out there with that job › More of a demand
Vacancies are available across the UK, but numbers vary from regions. Profession is governed by a strict code of ethics. ‘No contract with the public’ policy. Absent from work only at night Overseas work is allowed.
Have a Bachelor’s Degree Consider Master’s Degree Postdoctoral Programs Look into a Medical Degree *Must be a high school graduate or have completed General Education Department tests*
Dental assistant Medical doctor Physiologist Nurse Research assistant.
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