Slide 2 of 10 Computing Degrees at Staffordshire University Delivered by Dave Thomas Senior Lecturer in Enterprise, Knowledge and Information Systems
Slide 3 of 10 I will talk about: Academic groups in the School of Computing Computing degrees and how to choose one Structure of all undergraduate computing degrees Placement year and how it works Previous FAQs we’ve been asked when we’ve done similar talks Your questions as we go please Plenary session and a promise to find things out Structure of the session
Slide 4 of 10 All four academic groups teach, research and do ‘enterprise’ work Enterprise, Knowledge and Information Systems undergraduate awards Games Programming, Software Engineering and Mobile Systems Games Programming, Software Engineering and Mobile Systems undergraduate awards Networks, Cybercrime and Embedded Systems undergraduate awards Web, Multimedia and Interactive Systems undergraduate awards Academic Groups in the School of Computing
Slide 5 of 10 Computing Degrees at Staffs Uni Enterprise, Knowledge and Information Systems Awards – BSc(Hons) Applied Computing (Stoke) BSc(Hons) Applied Computing – BSc(Hons Business Information Technology (Stoke) BSc(Hons Business Information Technology – BSc(Hons) Information Systems (Stafford) BSc(Hons) Information Systems Games Programming, Software Engineering and Mobile Systems Awards – BSc(Hons) Computer Games Programming (Stafford) BSc(Hons) Computer Games Programming – BSc(Hons) Software Engineering (Stafford) BSc(Hons) Software Engineering Networks, Cybercrime and Embedded Systems Awards – BSc (Hons) Forensic Computing (Stafford) BSc (Hons) Forensic Computing – BSc (Hons) Network Computing (Stafford) BSc (Hons) Network Computing – BSc (Hons) Cyber Security (Stafford) BSc (Hons) Cyber Security – BSc (Hons) Computer Networks and Security (Stafford) BSc (Hons) Computer Networks and Security – BSc (Hons) Digital Forensics and Cyber Security (Stafford) BSc (Hons) Digital Forensics and Cyber Security – BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Stafford) BSc (Hons) Computer Science – BSc(Hons) Cloud Computing (Stafford) BSc(Hons) Cloud Computing – BSc(Hons) The Internet of Things (from 2016) BSc(Hons) The Internet of Things Web, Multimedia and Interactive Systems Awards – BSc(Hons) Web Development (Stafford) BSc(Hons) Web Development – BSc (Hons) Web Design (Stafford) BSc (Hons) Web Design – BSc (Hons) Computing Science BSc (Hons) Computing Science
Slide 6 of 10 Structure of all computing BScs First year: –four core computing modules Second year: –two core modules and two option modules Placement year in a real jobPlacement year Third year: –massive project, half a core module and two option modulesproject
Slide 7 of 10 What do you want? 3 years’ study or 4 years, with a placement? A degree where you learn about: creating the technology? or using the technology? A general, focused or specialist degree?degree How to decide?
Slide 8 of 10 FAQs we have been asked Can I transfer to another degree if I’ve started the wrong one for me? What sort of qualifications/grades do I need to gain a place? (A level Maths/IT) What if I don’t get the results I need? How is the course assessed? How many contact (teaching) hours are there? Are there opportunities abroad? How many hours am I expected to work? What are my employment prospects?
Slide 9 of 10 Follow us on: Contact us: e: t: Visit:
Slide 10 of 10 We have covered Academic groups in the School of Computing Computing degrees and how to choose one Structure of all undergraduate computing degrees Placement year and how it works Previous FAQs we’ve been asked Thank you and are there any more questions?
Slide 11 of 10 General, Focused or Specialised? Computing Science is the usual general, broad-based title Focused degrees include Software Engineering and Computer Science Specialist degrees include Forensic Computing, Network Computing, Computer Games Programming, Cloud Computing.... Consider other titles, eg Multimedia Computing, Applied Computing,..... back
Slide 12 of 10 Previous FYPs I have known Motorcycle racing community RFID fridge Storm tracking GIS GPS enabled distribution tracking system GPS enabled school pupil tracker Generation of 3 dimensional images from several 2 dimensional security camera images Automated generation of data retrieval objects back
Slide 13 of 10 Placement year 12 (or even 14 months) in a real jobreal job Almost invariably paid (£14,000 and often more) We have our own internal placement team who manage the recruitment process A dry run for the real thing Sets you apart from other graduates and is a big factor in our 93% employment rate back
Slide 14 of 10 Placement opportunities Are many and varied, local, national, European and worldwide with organisations such as: – Oracle UK – HP, Britvic (which wouldn’t fit on a separate line) – Cisco UK and Cisco's European HQ in Brussels – Thomson Reuters. – Intergral (in Böbligen near Stuttgart) – Eurocopter in Augsburg – Hartshill School in Nuneaton – Synectic Solutions up the road back