Promoting sustainable energy powered by Operational Programme ERDF Samenwerkingsverband Noord Nederland Jelle Wiarda Brussels,
Profile of the Region Sparsely populated: 1.5 mln inhabitants Gross regional product: p/c Industrial zones around large cities One University, four Polytechnic schools Large supplies of natural gas Large rural areas Headoffice Gascompany Gasunie: Energy Valley
OP ERDF Noord NL Based on policy outlinesStrategische Agenda Noord Nederland Focus on strong themes, e.g. energy Promoting network- and cluster development Development of knowledge, energy efficiency, energy transition and sustainability
A governmental cooperation of: Management Authority OP ERDF Noord NL Management operational programme Project selection: sustainability check, 3xP Monitoring committee EU recovery plan and operational programme Max. 4% of budget energy efficiency measures ( EC 2010 ) Communication activities Samenwerkingsverband Noord Nederland Northern Netherlands Provinces
Energy Valley Green gas roundabout Bio-based energy Power & balancing Decentralised energy systems Research & education Promoting energy efficiency Hansa Energy Corridor: European region of excellence 15 projects, 23 mln. ERDF, 25% of budget Innovation priority OP
Sustainable energy in European perspective National expert meeting Spring 2012 initiated by Dutch management authorities Exchange views, experiences, good practices between beneficiaries Lessons learned? Expanding towards a European network??
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