Implementing Act
CPR empowerments after 2 July trilogue 33(3)(a): Implementing act concerning financial instruments complying with the standard terms and conditions laid down by the Commission. 33(9): Implementing act laying down the uniform conditions regarding the modalities of the transfer and management of programme contributions, managed by the entities referred to under Article 33(4). 36(5) Implementing act laying down the methodology for calculating management costs and fees 40(3): Implementing act laying down the uniform conditions by establishing models to be used when reporting on financial instruments 35(3) is covered by Fiche 5A (closed on 28/6)
MS questions and COM replies BE, CZ, EL, PL, DE, NL, SK, HU asked questions concerning the off-the-shelf instruments (33(3)a) PL, SK, CZ asked questions on "a single managing and single audit authority" (33(4)) CZ asked for an example of contributions withdrawn (33(4)) PL asked for clarification what is meant by "operation" and "contributions from the programme on p. 4 of the fiche (33(4)) – IA fiche change PL also requested to specify that audit trail is maintained by the beneficiary (33(4)) – IA fiche change BG and SK asked for clarifications on the contribution at the level of the final recipient (33(4)) DE considered that contractual arrangement between the final recipient and the body providing such contributions should be sufficient (33(4))
Changes in fiche 9 P. 4: "the body implementing the financial instrument (including funds of funds) need to retain overall responsibility for the investments in final recipients operation including subsequent monitoring of the contributions from the programme according to the funding agreement;" P.4 "the national contribution made by private or public entities is supported by evidence that the transfer of resources funds has effectively taken place (including accounting documents of equivalent probative value where applicable);" the audit trail is maintained by bodies implementing financial instruments down to the level of the payment of the national contribution to or by the final recipient.