Scheduling for Reliable Execution in Autonomic Systems* Terry Tidwell, Robert Glaubius, Christopher Gill, and William D. Smart {ttidwell, rlg1, cdgill, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA 5 th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC-08) June 23-25, 2008, Oslo, Norway *Research supported in part by NSF awards CNS ( Cybertrust ) and CCF (CAREER)
2 - Gill et al. – 10/4/2015 Motivation: Autonomic Systems Interact with variable environment »Varying degrees of autonomy »Performance is deadline sensitive Many activities must run at once »Device interrupt handing, computation »Comm w/ other systems/operators Need reliable activity execution »Scheduling with shared resources and competing, variable execution times »How to guarantee utilizations? Remote Operator Station (for all but full autonomy) Wireless Communication Example Autonomic Systems: (1) Self-Maintaining Clusters, (2) Lewis (WUSTL M&M Lab)
3 - Gill et al. – 10/4/2015 System Model Threads of execution run on a shared resource »Require mutually exclusive access (e.g., to a CPU) to run Each thread binds the resource when it runs »A thread binds resource for a duration then releases it »Modeled using discrete variables that count time quanta Variable execution times with known distributions »We assume that each thread’s run-time distribution is known and bounded, and independent of the others Non-preemptive scheduler (repeats perpetually) »Scheduler chooses which thread to run (based on policy) »Scheduler dispatches thread which runs until it yields »Scheduler waits until the thread releases the resource
4 - Gill et al. – 10/4/2015 Scheduling Policy Design Considerations time probability time probability We summarize system state as a vector of integers »Representing thread utilizations Threads’ run times come from known, bounded distributions Scheduling a thread changes the system state »Utilization changes after the thread runs based on its run time »State transition probabilities are based the run time distributions This forms a basis for policy design and optimization
5 - Gill et al. – 10/4/2015 From Run Times to a Scheduling MDP We model thread scheduling decisions as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) based on thread run times The MDP is given by 4-tuple: (X,A,R,T) X: the set of process states Correspond to thread utilization states A: the set of actions I.e., scheduling a particular thread R: reward function for taking an action in a state Expected utility of taking that action Distance of the next state(s) from a desired utilization (vector) T: transition function Encodes the probability of moving from one state to another state for each action Solve MDP: optimal (per accumulated reward) policy
6 - Gill et al. – 10/4/2015 Bounding the Utilization State Space To bound the state space, we used a system termination notion in our initial approach Produces absorbing states where utilization stays same E.g., 0,3 and 1,2 etc. Drawbacks Artifacts, limited horizon Recent advances now allow us to remove this restriction See the project web site (URL given at the end of this talk) The optimal policy differed from our naïve expectations (next 2 slides)
7 - Gill et al. – 10/4/2015 Generated Scheduling Policy Example Policy (top figure) is obtained from distributions of thread run times & target utilization vector Horizontal axis: thread 1 util. Vertical axis: thread 2 util. Dark gray: schedule thread 1 Moves state horizontally, to right Light gray: schedule thread 2 Moves state vertically, upward Notice darker ray in the middle Shows desired target utilization A vector in the number of threads At high level looks like what we’d expect
8 - Gill et al. – 10/4/2015 Scheduling Policy Artifacts Near the origin (top left) Dark gray region overlaps the target utilization ray Due to thread 1 distribution being shifted more toward 0 More likely to land nearer target utilization if thread 1 is scheduled Near the horizon (top right) Dark gray region first bulges out… Due to low variance for thread 1 …, and then converges back to ray Due to absorbing state proximity
9 - Gill et al. – 10/4/2015 Verification State Space We can also generate a verification state space A verification state (box) combines utilization state (circle) subsets reachable on a scheduling action Transitions condensed from the utilization state space Note that verification states also often overlap E.g., utilization state 2,1 is in two verification states
10 - Gill et al. – 10/4/2015 Verification State Space Size and Cost State space exponential in the number of threads and in the history size (from termination time) Scheduling reduces cost but only delays explosion Work to reduce is ongoing
11 - Gill et al. – 10/4/2015 Related Work Reference monitor approaches Interposition architectures E.g., Ostia: user/kernel-level (Garfinkel et al.) Separation kernels E.g., ARINC-653, MILS (Vanfleet et al.) Scheduling policy design Hierarchical scheduling E.g., HLS and its extensions (Regehr et al.) E.g., Group scheduling (Niehaus et al.) Quasi-cyclic state space reduction E.g., Bogor (Robby et al.)
12 - Gill et al. – 10/4/2015 Concluding Remarks MDP approach maintains rational scheduling control Even when thread run times vary stochastically Encodes rather than presupposes utilizations Allows policy verification over utilization states Ongoing and Future Work State space reduction via quasi-cyclic structure Verification over continuous/discrete states Kernel-level non-bypassable policy enforcement Automated learning to discover scheduling MDPs Project web page Supported by NSF grant CNS