WHAT IS AN ESSAY? A group of paragraphs on a single subject Writing an essay follows same writing process as a paragraph
The Writing Process Invention Strategy Pick a focus Write an outline Write rough draft Read essay aloud to yourself Revise essay Have someone else read the essay Revise Essay again Write polished final
A Little Bit More About Essays… Essays have a thesis-and-support structure Introduction-begins with a hook & ends with a thesis statements (has a presentation of subject in-between) Body Paragraphs-begin with topic sentence & includes claims, details, and warrants Conclusion-closing remarks on subject
Looking at the Sample… The Introduction: More and more smokers today are aware of the serious risks smoking poses for both themselves and for the nonsmokers around them. People have tried hypnosis, quitting cold-turkey, substituting food for cigarettes, but these technics have less than a 30% chance of succeeding. This is disheartening to many of them who would like to quit but just do not think they can. However, new studies show that smokers have a better chance of quitting if they use electronic cigarettes. Hook Present ation of subject Thesis Statement
Conclusion: No one would say that it is easy to quit smoking, but electronic cigarettes can help people kick the habit. Electronic cigarettes give people who are fidgety a device that mimics smoking while allowing them to slowly step down the amount of nicotine they are using. This strategy has worked for many ex-smokers, who recommend them highly which makes both smokers and non-smokers happy. Tie to hook Restate the idea in the thesis Summarize topic sentences
What to Avoid in Introductions: Do not begin essay by announcing what you plan to write about Avoid phrases such as This essay is about… In my essay I will discuss… Do not apologize for your ideas Avoid phrases such as I might not be an expert but… Although I don’t know much about this subject…
Looking at the Sample 2… The Introduction: High school students are known to test the boundaries and stretch the rules. It is human nature to have a dark side and act on impulse to help one’s self. However, teenagers, who are newly discovering their freedoms and responsibilities, need to understand the need for boundaries. They need to realize these boundaries exist for a reason – and not just to torment them. Having boundaries make people feel safe and provide a sense of comfort, order, and responsibility. One of the best ways to teach that these boundaries are important is by requiring students to read Lord of the Flies by Golding. Hook Present ation of subject Thesis Statement
Conclusion: While I understand the objection to the profanity and violent images in this book, I also know that high school students don’t always make the best choices and sometimes need to be shocked to understand the seriousness of a learning situation. Lord of the Flies should be taught to teenagers because it descriptively teaches teenagers the importance of boundaries which are needed to live productively and keep civilization intact. Please do not get rid of this book. Thank you. Tie to hook Restate the idea in the thesis Call to action Summarize topic sentences
Thesis statement: 1. The topic 2. The Attitude/Opinion 3. Why or How Factor Has 3 parts However, new studies show that smokers have a better chance of achieving this goal if they use electronic cigarettes. One of the best ways to teach that these boundaries are important is by requiring students to read Lord of the Flies by Golding.
Attributes of a Good Thesis Statement Specific Objective Takes a position A complete sentence Must be in 3 rd person