1 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010 ATIS Emergency Communications Status Update Presented by: Peter Musgrove ATIS WTSC G3GSN Chair Prepared for: 7 th SDO Emergency Services Coordination Workshop May 2010 (ESW7) College Park, MD, USA
2 ATIS PTSC Overview Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC) develops and recommends standards and technical reports related to services, architectures, and signaling, in addition to related subjects under consideration in other North American and international standards bodies –Chair: Martin Dolly –Vice Chair: Viqar Shaikh 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010
3 Current Related PTSC Issues Issue 85 –NGN GETS (ETS) End-to-End Call Flows Issue 82 –Develop Technical Requirements that define the network element requirements for ETS Phase 2 Issue 81 –Develop a document that defines the requirements for wireline access in support of Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS) Issue 63 –Develop a standard that provides requirements and mechanisms in support of ETS authentication Issue 56 –Create a Supplement to ATIS , Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance (LAES) for Voice over Packet Technologies in Wireline Telecommunication Networks Issue 45 –In an NGN environment, there is an NS/EP need for ETS requirements from a user perspective, including possible methods of invocation of ETS and procedures for ETS authentication. In addition, there is an NS/EP need for a description of the application of ETS priority policies from a user perspective and from a Service Provider perspective Issue 37 –Support for LAES of Advanced VoP Conferencing Issue 22 –Develop a Technical Report to describe the evolution of the LAES capabilities and solutions specified in existing American National Standards to support NGN. 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010
4 ATIS WTSC Overview WTSC develops and recommends standards and technical reports related to wireless and/or mobile services and systems, including service descriptions and wireless technologies –Chair: Don Zelmer –Vice Chair: Mark Younge 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010
5 Current Related WTSC Issues Review of Draft NENA i3 Stage 3 Standard –On May 7, 2010, ATIS provided comments from joint review by WTSC/ESIF/PTSC/PRQC/NGIIF to NENA NOVES –Support for 3GPP Study on Non-voice emergency services Currently, TS service requirements for emergency calls (with or without the IP Multimedia Core Network) are limited to voice media. The Non Voice Emergency Services is intended to be an end-to-end citizen to authority communications. Lawful Intercept (LI) –Surveillance for Push-to-Talk Over Cellular (POC), Canadian Location Reporting, 3GPP “Delta” documents for North American differences with 3GPP LI specs Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) –See next slide 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010
6 CMAS Update Since the completion of the Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee (CMSAAC) and release of the FCC Report & Orders for CMAS, the industry has been engaged in a joint effort with government on developing a set of standards to support the Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) This 28+ month effort to date has resulted is a series of standards based on Cell Broadcast technology for realizing the FCC Rules & the CMSAAC Recommendations. –Cell Broadcast is the technology chosen by operators, handset vendors, and infrastructure vendors to realize CMAS after careful & unbiased analysis of all possible technologies –Cell Broadcast is a global standard that will support the Public Warning System defined in international standards These standards meet and even exceed the FCC rules, and are jointly supported by industry (operators, handset vendors, infrastructure vendors) as well as government (DHS, FEMA) 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010
7 CMAS Standards Joint ATIS/TIA CMAS Mobile Device Behavior Specification (J-STD-100) Joint ATIS/TIA Federal Alert Gateway to CMSP Gateway Interface Specification (J-STD-101) Joint ATIS/TIA Federal Alert Gateway to CMSP Gateway Interface Test Certification Specification (in development) ATIS CMAS via GSM/UMTS Cell Broadcast Service Specification (ATIS ) ATIS Implementation Guidelines and Best Practices for GSM/UMTS Cell Broadcast Service (ATIS ) ATIS Cell Broadcast Entity (CBE) to Cell Broadcast Center (CBC) Interface Specification (ATIS ) ATIS CMAS via Long Term Evolution (LTE, in development) ATIS CMAS C-interface Test & Certification Specification (in development) 3rd Generation Partnership Project Cell Broadcast Specifications (published) 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010
8 ATIS IIF Overview The IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF) enables the interoperability, interconnection, and implementation of IPTV systems/services by developing ATIS standards and facilitating related technical activities –Chair: Steven Wright –Vice Chair: Dan O'Callaghan 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010
9 ATIS IIF Standards Issue 51 (Active) –IPTV EAS Update and Maintenance, provide one or more supplements (addendums) and/or a full revision of the Emergency Alert Provisioning Specification IPTV EAS Metadata Requirements (ATIS ) –Defines an XML schema used for delivery of emergency alert signaling and information to the IPTV service provider’s EAS Ingestion System (EIS), and for delivery of alert information and signaling to the IPTV Terminal Function on the consumer premesis Emergency Alert Service Provisioning (ATIS ) –Network operators need a standard interface for use with various governmental agencies in the provisioning of Emergency Alert Service (EAS); goal is to deliver important emergency alerts to any person using the IPTV service, independent of activity 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010
10 ATIS NGIIF Overview The ATIS Next Generation Interconnection Interoperability Forum (NGIIF) addresses next-generation network interconnection and interoperability issues associated with emerging technologies. Specifically, it develops operational procedures which involve the network aspects of architecture, disaster preparedness, installation, maintenance, management, reliability, routing, security, and testing between network operators. In addition, the NGIIF addresses issues which impact the interconnection of existing and next generation networks and facilitate the transition to emerging technologies. NGIIF Co-Chairs: Ann Marie Cederberg (Qwest) and Karen Riepenkroger (Sprint Nextel) 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010
11 ATIS NGIIF Issue Need for Emergency Notification Best Practices 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010 A recent tropical storm and the actions of a sheriff’s department illustrate the ramifications of unthrottled emergency notifications. In an effort to notify 6,000 residents, the sheriff’s office launched 55,000 calls in a 5 minute period. This incident compromised the access tandem which received traffic from at least two Interexchange carriers. The local exchange which serves the community in question was also compromised. Outgoing as well as incoming traffic was blocked by this event.
12 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010 ATIS ESIF Status Update ESIF NGES slides prepared by: Christian Militeau ATIS ESIF NGES Co-Chair Prepared for: 7 th SDO Emergency Services Coordination Workshop May 2010 (ESW7) College Park, MD, USA
13 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010 ESIF NGES Overview The Emergency Services Interconnection Forum (ESIF) provides a venue to facilitate the identification and resolution of technical and/or operational issues related to the interconnection of emergency services networks with other networks (e.g., wireline, cable, satellite, Internet, etc.) The ESIF Next Generation Emergency Services (NGES) Subcommittee was created to address NG9-1-1 related issues ESIF NGES Co-Chairs: –Anand Akundi (Telcordia Technologies) –Christian Militeau (Intrado)
14 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010 ESIF NGES Focus The ESIF NGES Subcommittee: –Focuses on addressing issues related to Next Generation Emergency Services (i.e., VoIP, IMS, LTE, FMC, etc.) –Provides Industry Liaisons with global Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) to communicate ESIF requirements, clarify directions, and respond to queries on “North American” emergency service related issues –Provides standards development coordination for next generation emergency services with other ATIS Committees (PTSC, WTSC, PRQC, etc.)
15 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010 ESIF NGES Standards Issue 49, ATIS , “Considerations for an Emergency Services Next Generation Network (ES-NGN)” –Provides ATIS Gap Analysis for the NGN and also for developing Emergency Services standards for interconnection with the ATIS NGN. –The term ES-NGN is used to define an emergency services architecture based upon the ATIS definition of NGN. –Identifies standards and standards activities that are relevant to the evolution of emergency services networks in the context of next generation telecommunications networks. In addition, it identifies potential gaps where standards need to be developed in order to complete the definition of emergency services in next generation networks. The focus of this Technical Report is the interconnection between the ES- NGN and networks that originate emergency calls. It also discusses connectivity to PSAPs and legacy emergency services networks.
16 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010 ESIF NGES Standards Issue 63, ATIS , “Request for Assistance Interface (RFAI) Standard” –Developed a protocol for interfacing between an IP Selective Router (IPSR) (located within the ES-NGN) and an IP PSAP American National Standard (ANS) for the RFAI targeted for EOY 2010 (Issue 67) The protocol will be tested by several IPSR and IP PSAP CPE vendors at the May 2010 NENA ICE 2 for interoperability/conformance. –The protocol enables to transition from today’s legacy network environment to an IP infrastructure. –The protocol enables the use of p-ANI as a location query key to obtain initial location and subsequent location updates from the ALI database. –ESIF NGES developed standardization activities around the specification of the requirements, architecture, call flows and profiles for the RFAI protocol.
17 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010 Current ESIF NGES Issues Issue 66: –Developing an ATIS Standard for Emergency Services Network-to- Network Interface Standard (ES-NNI), which is a companion document of the ATIS (PTSC) IP Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) for VoIP Standard (ATIS ) –Addresses the interconnection of IP originating networks with the ATIS NGN in support of emergency services –Extends the ATIS NNI Standard for Emergency Services (i.e., the “Mm” Interface from the 3GPP IMS Emergency Services architecture from TS for North America) –The protocol enables the transfer of a call using location by reference and location by value along with call back capabilities and other functionalities that are required for emergency services –The protocol will support Multimedia in a future version –ESIF will provide its document for review by other SDOs
18 7th SDO Emergency Services Workshop (ESW7) May 2010 ESIF Conclusion Complete currently defined ESIF work program Continue SDO coordination with other groups such as: 3GPP, 3GGP2,TIA, Broadband Forum, WiMax Forum, IETF, etc. Continue to respond to government initiatives (FCC CSRIC) –WG 4B: Transition to NG9-1-1 –WG 4C: E9-1-1 Location Accuracy for Wireless/VoIP