Social Software for Lifelong Competence Development: Scenario and Challenges Ivana Marenzi, Elena Demidova, Wolfgang Nejdl, Daniel Olmedilla L3S Research Center, Hannover, Germany {marenzi, demidova, nejdl,
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April The evolution of the web Web 1.0: consultation (user) + communication (author) Web 2.0: collaboration
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April Social software: Web 2.0 is about people It works bottom-up: supports individuals to interact socially achieve their personal goals, together with people with similar interests motivated groups and working teams
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April Questions Can social software be -used in formal learning or work environments -incorporated into more conventional software solutions ? -what challenges for integration?
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April Scenario: Higher Education ICT technicians support different projects and people in a university environment -administrative work (storing and sharing resources) -teaching (presenting and providing learning materials) -projects and learning systems (developing e-learning materials) Community of knowledge workers
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April communication collaboration 123 Scenario Higher Education
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April Scenario Higher Education
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April Lifelong learning – Competence development Create, retrieve and share data/resources Improve communication and collaboration Keep update, discover new technologies and connect competences Web 1.0 Web 2.0 (strong ties) Web 2.0 (weak ties)
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April Lifelong learning – Competence development Strong ties Weak ties Potential ties Share resources Collaborate Finding people
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April TENCompetence’s current infrastructure It brings together: Information stored on institutional servers centralized repositories (P2P technology) online community-sharing (e.g Flickr and YouTube)
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April TENCompetence – the next step an integrated platform for sharing discussing creating (possibly collaborative) knowledge resources LearnWeb 2.0
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April Social networking types Hosting and sharing media Communicating Managing and scheduling resources Building contents You Tube Facebook Flickr Diigo Doodle MediaWiki GroupMe StudIP Cmap Slideshare MoodleLinkedIn Zoho GoogleDocs
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April You can’t mix oil and vinegar Open Source API External- online Doodle Facebook Flickr Diigo MediaWiki GroupMe StudIP Moodle Cmap try getting many programs working together in a single environment … is … an unholy alliance
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April linkage of resources provided by one application one common application on top of the APIs provided by the different Web 2.0 tools the entire set of functionalities of all applications in a common system Challenges: Integration and Interoperability Basic: Partial: Complete: three integration degrees
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April Challenges: Integration and Interoperability
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April LearnWeb
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April Challenges: Identity Management Single Sign On New integrated environment authentication data encrypted in a single place LearnWeb 2.0
TENCompetence Open Workshop Madrid, April Conclusions challenges preliminary ideas suggestions remarks questions ? Thanks