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Established 1962 Originally 21 Members Data on Cards, then Tape Originally Political Science, now all social sciences Spurred by 1960s- 70s technology, research, policy ICPSR Overview
The Archive Over 8,000 data collections & 500,000+ files 9 Terabytes, soon to be 40+ Terabytes Grows by collections a year Search out the data researchers want Topical Archives = Special Collections Bibliography of 60,000+ citations using ICPSR Data, many full-text
ICPSR Case Study Dataset
A well-prepared data collection “contains information intended to be complete and self-explanatory” for future users.
A corollary: Do no harm.
Looking Ahead New kinds of data New ways to think about data and analysis New avenues for collaboration New technologies for data curation, preservation, sharing Onnella in PNAS May 2007