CHECK YOUR WORK PAGE 28 1. Computer software that can combine and display a variety of information about the same area. 2. GIS layers different types of information on a base map. 3. Population growth, how many students, etc. PAGE 33 1. Government Building 2. Museum 3. East 4. Southeast PAGE 41 1. North America, South America, Asia, Australia, Antarctica, Europe, Africa 2. Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Indian.
CHECK YOUR WORK PAGE 86 1 Early Civilizations 2. Fertile Crescent, Ancient Egypt, Indus River Valley, and Shang Dynasty. 3. Ancient Egypt, Shang Dynasty 4. They all developed around rivers.
NOW TO THE GRID! The Grid System is lines on globes and maps that provide information that can help you easily locate places on the earth. The lines of the grid system are called Latitude and Longitude.
Horizontal, horizontal, horizontal cross the earth Lines of latitude run east and west. They are also called parallels. The Equator is 0 degrees latitude.
Longitude oh Longitude they’re not lines parallel! Longitude lines run from North to south. They meet at the poles. They are also known as meridians. They measure east and west The Prime Meridian is 0 degrees Longitude.
I’M ABSOLUTLY RIGHT HERE! LLLLatitude and longitude lines show absolute location. TTTThe place is located where these lines cross.
RULES, RULES, RULES The starting point for Latitude lines is the Equator. They are numbered from 1 to 90 degrees and are followed by an N or S to show whether they are north or south of the Equator The starting point for Longitude lines is the Prime Meridian. They are numbered from 1 to 180 degrees followed by an E or a W to show whether they are east or west of the Prime Meridian.
READING LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE. Latitude is written first. Longitude is written second. There is a comma between the two. EXAMPLE: 40N, 80W