Development of a Framework on Statistics and Indicators on ICT and Electronic Commerce in the Philippine Statistical System by Francisco K. Mallion
I. Introduction II. State of statistics on ICT and e-Commerce A. Initiatives and Current Development Task force on e-Commerce Statistical Surveys B. Issues III. Future Direction OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION:
1. The Philippine Statistical System - a decentralized statistical system - characterized by the presence of: policy making and coordinating body general purpose statistical agency statistical research and training center several major data producers INTRODUCTION
2. The National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) - the highest policy making and coordinating body on statistical matters INTRODUCTION
Functions of the NSCB : - promote and maintain an efficient statistical system - formulate policies on government statistical operations - allocate statistical responsibilities among government agencies - develop and prescribe appropriate framework for coordination - prescribe uniform statistical standards INTRODUCTION
3. Republic Act No enacted in June 2002 better known as the Electronic Commerce Act of 2002 tasked the Department of Trade to direct and supervise electronic commerce INTRODUCTION
1. Creation of a Task Force on e-Commerce - Functions: (a) formulate the definition of e-commerce (b) identify concerns of the policy makers (c) conduct consultations with government and private sectors State of statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
Task Force on E-Commerce - Composition Chair: Department of Industry Vice-Chair: National Statistical Coordination Board Members: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Commission on Audit Department of Budget and Management Department of Labor and Employment Department of Science and Technology Department of Transportation and Communications State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
Composition of the Task Force (Cont’d) Members: National Computer Center National Economic and Development Authority National Statistics office Statistical Research and Training Center Private sector Secretariat: NSCB Technical Staff State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
2. Definition of electronic commerce proposed by the Task Force Any transaction conducted through electronic, optical and similar medium, mode, instrumentality and technology. It includes electronic data message and electronic document used in commercial and non-commercial activities. The transactions further include fax transmissions, retail point of sale systems and bar coding, business and text messaging, electronic data interchange and electronic fund transfer and all other activities that are conducted through open and closed networks. State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
On the definition of e-Commerce: Reference was made to documents from international and organizations of foreign countries, e.g. OECD, WTO, UNCTAD, Statistics Canada, U.S. Bureau of the Census State of Statistics on ICT and E-Commerce
3. Draft e-Commerce Statistical Framework prepared by the Secretariat of the Task Force 4. Identified 88 statistical indicators 49 from the Information Age Partnership’s model, Great Britain National Statistics benchmarking task group 39 identified by the Secretariat in consultation with the Philippine Internet Commerce Society Some further work to be done: Present the work to the Task Force Elevate to the NSCB Executive Board for approval State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
5. Statistical Surveys of ICT Statistical Survey Review and Clearance System - implemented by the NSCB Technical Staff with assistance from the Technical Committee on Survey Design - in 2002, granted clearance to two ICT surveys: (a) 2002 Survey on Information and Communication Technology of Philippine Business and Industry, National Statistics Office (b) 2002 Information and Communications Technology Survey in Government, National Computer Center State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
NSO Survey on ICT - a rider to the Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry - conducted for the first time in July 2002; 2001, reference year - in collaboration with the Information and Technology and E- Commerce Council, Office of the President - an inter-agency technical working group (1) developed the survey instrument (2) defined data items for collection, ICT terms used and the scope and coverage adopted (3) reviewed the proposed questionnaire State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
Composition of the Technical Working Group Chair: Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics Members: National Statistics Office National Economic and Development Authority Department of Trade and Industry Department of Science and Technology Commission on Higher Education Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas National Statistical Coordination Board Information Technology Foundation of the Philippines State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
Objective of the NSO ICT Survey to generate benchmark information on the availability,distribution and utilization of ICT among businesses and industries Data generated: economic activity ICT resources network channels capital expenditures on ICT resources use of ICT resources employment and compensation on ICT sales, revenue and purchases barriers to adoption of ICT State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
Coverage of the NSO ICT Survey: all industries, both ICT and non-ICT, based on the amended 1994 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification Sampling Frame : List of Establishments Sampling design: Stratified simple random sampling Sample size: About 8,000 establishments out of 33,069 establishments Overall response rate: 90 % State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
Barriers to ICT Usage lack of funds and equipment low priority/lack of appreciation by management lack of technical expertise and information lack of telecommunication facilities State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
The NCC ICT Survey National Computer Center (NCC): - the policy body of government on computerization ICT Survey in Government, July Objective: To determine the state of government computerization for ICT planning, policy formulation and decision-making in Government State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
The NCC ICT Survey S pecific objectives: to support NCC’s data requirements to monitor ICT adoption in government to maintain a data bank on ICT State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
The NCC ICT Survey Data Items gathered: networking/e-Commerce hardware/computer equipment software and application systems ICT manpower ICT budget and expenditures ICT projects undertaken ICT policies and practices State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
The NCC ICT Survey Indicators to be generated: level of interconnection PC penetration Percentage/ratio of PC to ICT personnel Software installed ICT manpower ICT budget allocation and expenditure ICT policies and practices State of Statistics on ICT and e-Commerce
Major Issues - need to come up with a framework on ICT/ e-Commerce - availability of resources Future Direction - finalization of the Framework and Indicators - pursue cooperation with the private sector ISSUES and FUTURE DIRECTION
Proposed e-Commerce Statistical Framework with 88 Identified Statistical Indicators
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